Aizawa: "Before we go any further there's something I've gotta check, Mandalay, got an idea who that is?" This drew all the eyes of those present as he gestured with his head in the direction of SUV which was now being looked at by everyone

The sight of the car drew a few different reactions, among the class there were some that were scared and tense, others that were curious and one was ready to blow it up at a moments notice (I'll leave it a mystery as to who that is), but for those who didn't frequent UA they had their own reactions with the two heroes seemingly recognising it and the unnamed child to the side seemed excited to see it, of course the students eyes didn't see this as they were focused on the motionless vehicle.

Mandalay: "Oh yeah, I was wondering when they'd turn up" she didn't show any nervousness so the class calmed themselves

Although with how vague she spoke they still had no idea as to who it was only that they were supposed to be here, Midoriya though took a guess at it being the other members of the Wild, Wild Pussycats and prepared for a round two of hero nerding. Now having been noticed whoever was driving the suspicious looking car started to drive forward before turning as it got close so the driver's window was now facing the group.

As silence ensued and tensions rose again with lack of movement of the vehicle some students turned to the teachers for reassurance, Aizawa seemed to have come to a realisation and dropped his guard while the Pussycats both had raised eyebrows in curiosity, whatever was going on they didn't expect it. Unknown to the students some shuffling was taking place inside as a certain item was passed to each of the occupants before an adult males voice spoke with authority.

Man: "Ready?" Whoever was speaking was taking this very seriously

In response three voices were heard

???/???/???: "Yes"/"Hn"/"Gah"

The first was that of a young boy, the second an even younger girl and the third was that of a baby

Back outside a few seconds after this scene all eyes were on the driver's side window as it came down to reveal who was on the other side, to the surprise of everyone there wasn't one head, not two or three but four heads all visible by the now lowered window, all wearing sunglasses. From the perspective of those outside the top left of the window had a baby in sunglasses with a few green hairs on its head, the top right had a young girl with the same green hair as the baby, in the bottom left was an older boy with H/C coloured hair and the final one was a man who shared the same hair colour as the boy, all four had perfectly still faces showing no emotions with their sunglasses on.

Despite three of the four heads being younger than them the class didn't feel any calmer seeing them, why did those kids have such serious faces? Was it just one person with a quirk that gave them multiple heads? Once again the tension was broken, this time by the green haired girl who's face was starting to go red and her cheeks inflated, a few moments of her head bouncing up and down had her final burst out in laughter, those from UA were confused while the Pussycats plus child got a chuckle out of this. Eventually the other individuals gave in with next being the H/C boy who just chuckled at this, then the man who sighed with smile resting his chin on the open window and surprisingly the baby held out longest who eventually started being baby again by letting out unknown noises.

All of the heroes in training now had dropped their suspicions, some found the sight humours, those of the social inept ones didn't understand and the edge lords continued their edging. Soon three of the four were out of the car with the two children stood beside the man while baby stayed in the car, they all refused to remove their sunglasses, they found confusing the teens fun.

Mandalay: "Hey! Y/N! Glad you made it, we were starting to wonder if you'd ever turn up" she waved to the man identifying him as Y/N

The one in question just gave a salute as a greeting as the young girl made her way around the students to the boy with the red cap who for the first time since he appeared didn't have a frown on his face, it wasn't quite a smile yet but it was progress. Some students turned to their teacher wordlessly asking who this was, while some weren't so wordless...

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