Chapter 4 (Taylor gets "stalked" for the third time/romance?!)

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Directly where the last chapter left off. And guys, keep in mind that this isn't supposed to reflect what hanson is really like at ALL; it's me just taking whatever liberties I need to make the story as ridiculous as possible.

And it's isaac who stalks taylor this time. In case that wasn't abundantly clear. 

Taylor watched in horror as his brothers simply abandoned him. They didn't completely leave the building- they could still see him, and he could see them- but to chase or shout after them now would be awkward and cowardly. So all he could do was wait for this strange girl to reach him.

"Hi," she said, part shyly and maybe even part flirtatiously. Taylor gulped. "Umm..... hi." That wasn't the right thing to say!! If Isaac hadn't left him, he'd be coaching him now, probably by kicking him under the table any time he said something dumb! "Hey, baby," he amended.

The girl lifted an eyebrow and leaned her hands against his booth. "You look familiar."

He nodded like he was considering this. "You may have seen me around before..."

Recognition dawned on her face, and her composure cracked just a little bit. "Oh, right- I'm a big... fan..." She cleared her throat and took on a pensive look. "Yeah, it is you. I thought it was. I just couldn't imagine it was you who was flirting with me at first." She furrowed her brow. "If you called... that... flirting."

Taylor reddened and looked down, catching sight of the pizza box. He angled it toward her. "Want some?"

"Uh... why not?" She smoothly swung herself into the booth across from him and helped herself to a piece. "I'm Stacy."

"Cool." Tay was really awkward around girls for no reason. He loved trying to attract them, but rarely did. Or, rather, he attracted millions of girls, but rarely tried to do so with a random girl, one-on-one, so when he did, he was just like soooo awkward. 😳

He looked up and caught Stacy's eye... and then they shared a deep romantic connection... and just as he was about to propose...

"HERE'S YOUR PIZZA, YOUNGUN," a loud voice boomed as a fresh pizza box was harshly slammed down between Taylor and Stacy. 

Taylor took a deep, frustrated breath. "Umm, what are you doing, Isaac?"

Isaac pretended not to hear. "What was that, sonny?"


Stacy looked confused. 

"I don't know anyone by that name. You ordered a large pepperoni?"

Taylor replied in a bored tone, "Not exactly. And what is your name, then, hm?"

"Clarke. But I don't see why it matters. I'm paid minimum wage and would just like to get your pizza to you in a satisfactory manner. Would you like-"

"Just go away."

Stacy was looking even more confused, probably because she KNEW THE BAND and could easily recognize that it was indeed Isaac Hanson and not a pizza parlor employee who was bugging them.

"Jeez," Isaac mumbled, shoving his hands into his pockets and sulking. "Fine. Working in customer service doesn't pay enough for what it puts you through. You're welcome, by the way." And then he stormed off.

Stacy looked at Taylor. "That was...?"

Taylor shrugged. "A... strange employee, amiright? Want pizza?" 

And then she laughed. She just laughed and shook her head, and leaned back and studied him. It made him uncomfortable. "Sure."

But then...!!! Taylor and Stacy both reached for a slice of pizza... and their hands brushed!!! Taylor quickly snatched his back and profusely blushed a crimson shade of scarlet as Stacy calmly took her piece.

The Misadventures of the Hanson Bros.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora