About you

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⇧about you

you are 15, and have a twin sister named Jayla (Jay). 
you have 3 bestfriends; Eben (Ebee), and Mandi.
your other best friend, Madeleine McGraw, told you about her auditioning and you thought it would be a good idea for you too, aswell.
 getting your first big role in a big movie, The Black Phone.

⇧about your black phone character⇩

you play a 13 year old girl named Clara, Vance's sister.

She left Vance to go to grab some water, and when she came back he was gone.

she saw the van leaving quickly and started running after it.

she soon started to feel sleepy, as the air was filled with chloroform, but she kept running.

she was so close, but then passed out on the road.

when she woke up she was in the hospital, as officers would soon be asking her questions.

when she got out of the hospital, finney soon after went missing.

some days pass and gwen knocks on her door, and you tell her about what happened to Vance, bringing her even closer to finding finney.

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