Chapter 5: Family (1)

Start from the beginning

As Aristia gazed at the tree and thought about the late Emperor, tears began to trickle down her face.

"Tia, are you okay?" Jieun asked as Aristia suddenly began to tear up.

"No, nothing" How could she let her emotions slip. Aristia contained herself and answered simply. "I just thought of....something I missed"

Jieun's express which was always bright suddenly turned dark. "Something you missed...." Her eyes gazing at the tree also brimmed with tears. "Mom, dad. Even my troublesome sister Jisoo. I miss them so much..... ”

At that moment, Aristia felt sorry that she have hated Jieun until now.

When she opened my mouth to say something to comfort Jieun, she suddenly heard a cold voice from behind her.

“What’s going on here?”

It was a very cold voice. Obviously, Aristia didn’t hear anyone approaching, but he came to her and stared at her sharply.

“I’m honored to see the Sun of the Empire, Your Majesty.” Aristia said with a bow.

Jieun, what’s up? Why are you crying? ”

Ruve!” Jieun cried out, before giving him a hug. Small sobs came from her mouth.

Emperor Ruvelius Camaludin Shana Castina. Ruve? Aristia gave a hollow smile at that. For the past sixteen years, she was not even allowed to call his name, but Jieun called him by his nickname so easily.

“What did you do to Jieun?" Ruvelius asked Aristia in an icy tone. "What did you say to make her cry like this? Why is she crying? ”

“Your Majesty?” Aristia blinked back in surprise.

She felt it was unfair. Why is he blaming her first? What did she do to Jieun?

“No, Ruve!" Jieun quickly stepped in, defending Aristia.  "Tia didn’t do anything to me. I just cried because I missed my family.”

“… Oh, got it, Jieun, go and get some rest. I will follow you soon.” Ruvelius said as he beckoned her to go back to the Empress' chambers.

Aristia felt bitter when she saw him looking at Jieun tenderly. Her heart was broken when she saw him soothing Jieun with a warm voice that she had never experienced. She shed tears when she watched him wistfully looking at Jieun, as if he felt she was so lovely.

Even when he looked at Aristia coldly with contempt and a cynical smile after Jieun left, she lowered my head without telling him that she was heartbroken.

“Let me warn you,” he said.

“Pardon? Your Majesty?”

“Don’t approach her. She is tender and innocent. She is not the type of woman you can mess with.”

“Your Majesty.”

She was choked with emotions when he scolded her like that.

“Did you think the position of the empress was yours? No way. You were once respected as the future empress because I wrongly interpreted the oracle. It was originally reserved for Jieun, not you. ”

“… ”

“Let me forgive you this time. But when this happens again, I’ll get you.”

“I will keep it in mind, Your Majesty.”

Aristia was so heartbroken when he turned back coldly after warning her. What did she do to Jieun? She didn’t do anything. She just tried to understand her.

“Oh, you are here.”

“What’s the matter?”

“I have been looking for you for a long time because there are some papers you need to sign urgently. As the emperor is not available, we can’t handle lots of stuff…”

“…Really? Got it. Let’s go back. ”

Aristia glanced at the chief palace official blankly. Papers that need urgent signing, and the affairs of the palace office that don’t run smoothly without her. That’s the value of her existence. She was supposed to make up for the empress Jieun's role as she is not yet accustomed to the royal manners and customs. And that’s why Aristia was here at the palace.

If not for that, Emperor Ruvelius would have thrown her out.

Telling the official with a sigh to walk ahead of her, she followed the palace affairs, ignoring the tears dropping on her dress.
The next day came by and Jieun came running into Aristia's office. She looked as if something urgent had happened.

Jieun stood in front of her desk and asked. “Tia, are you the emperor’s concubine?”


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