Chapter 2

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Laney only stared and the four boys stared back. Then Corey smirked.

"Hey boys we have a little fan," the boys grinned. Laney blinked in suprise and pointed to herself.

"M-me?" She squeaked, her face heating a little. Corey chuckled.

"Who else sweetheart? You're the only one standing there," he said. Laney took a step back.

"O-oh.. N-no I-I - I wasn't. . I mean I was but I j-just stopped in and.." she trailed only embrassing herself even more.

"Are you stuttering?" He asked with a grin.

"N-no!" She answered a little too quickly. Which only made his grin wider. She looked down the hallway and then looked down. "Ah.. I got to go!" She quickly said and went running down the hall to get to the nurses office.

He only smiled and watched her go.


Laney was almost breathless when she reached the nurses office. Her heart was pounding and her cheeks were flushed.

"Hello?" A feminine voice called. Laney turned toward it.

"H-hello nurse Joy," Laney shyly said. The woman smiled. She was literally like an angel here at Peaceville Hichschool. Her name was Miss Joy Louise Kay.

Her long blonde hair was put in a bun, she had a turquoise dress with a black belt around her waist, black leggings, black flats, and owl looking round glasses. Nurse Joy was nice and caring to all students. She was literally the younger version of Mother Teresa. You could never get her irratated, angry, or mean. Laney sometimes wished her mother would learn a thing or two from her. She smiled at Laney.

"Oh hey dear, how are you? Is there something wrong?" She asked.
Laney actually was a little whoozy. The feeling of him looking at her, let alone talking to her.

"W-well.. um... can I sit down a bit? I feel dizzy..." she replied. The nurse nodded.

"Of course hon,"
Laney smiled. She sat on one of the low cots and sighed. Nurse Joy was writing something in the planning sheet. Then she looked over to Laney.

"So what's the real reason why you're here?" She asked, looking back down on her sheet. Laney stopped and thought for moment. Why was she here?

"W-well... I guess it's relaxing here.." she said. And it wasn't a lie. The nurse's office was at the edge of the campus and near the oak forest. Light shone in perfectly, and gave the room a relaxing glow. Especially after the spring rain. That gave   glittering light a specific spot to shine in the corner of the room. The soft cots and sheets gave a cozy feeling. And to top it off their was Nurse Joy. The nurse'soffice was literally a haven to nerds, geeks, and bully victims.

The tougher kids and vandals usually didn't come in here. Most likely hating the place because miss Joy didn't take crap from anyone despite being the sweetest woman on earth.

Nurse Joy looked at her planning sheet for a moment then shook her head. Pursing her lips, Laney stood.
"U-uh.... well I think I'm okay now.." Laney finally said. She grabbed her light green bag. The nurse did not look up from her work but did ask in concern,

"Are you sure? You need anything? Tylenol or Ibprofen?" Laney shook her head.

"No thanks I'm good, thanks though.."

"Oh! What about a pass?"

" Oh yeah.. hehe.. yeah that would be nice.. please.." Laney quietly said. The nurse chuckled. She quickly wrote her a pass on a small sticky note and handed to her. "Here you are hon," she said. Laney took it and nodded.
"Thank you Nurse Joy," she said, waving, then walking out the door.
Timidly she walked through the hallways. Finally after a few minutes reaching Mr. Fredrick's class. She drew in a deep breath and gradually let it out.

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