The Devil Was Once A Human

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  I woke up with a heavy head, as if I had been in a coma for years. It was hard to open my eyelids, but after struggling for some minutes, I did. I was lying on my back and all I could see was a hole in a strange, rocky ceiling. I hastily got up on my feet and with bewilderment of the scene, I looked around to examine where I was. I studied the place; it looked like a cave, it wasn't very dark, though. A depressive vibe was filling the place. There was a source of faint illumination, but the dark atmosphere of the place conquered that faint faith. It was so quiet that I could hear my own breaths. And to be honest, I didn't know whether I was awake or dreaming, it all felt utterly surreal to me. I went around to discover that "cave", it was more like an underground cave, as I could hear footsteps above me. Yet, nobody knew I was there. I wandered around the place for about ten minutes and still nobody showed up. After that, I reached a fork which I obviously didn't know where it lead, and I chose to take the right path. Later on, I wished I hadn't taken this path.

Suddenly, the cave didn't look like one anymore. I ended up in a bizarre room which more likely looked like a volcanic room; fire and lava invaded that room. My eyed widened at the sight of it, then I heard desperate screams and wailing, my heart raced from the sound and I couldn't tell who was screaming and why or where they were. After a brief period of time, I saw a figure getting out of the fire--it looked like a human figure, except that it was not. I focused my sight on the figure; he was all red, bald, with huge wings, horns and a tail.. Astonishment and fright struck me like a thunderclap; he looked like a monster, just like the ones I used to believe they hid under my bed, the ones whom I thought never existed in the real world. He approached me and with every step he took towards me, my heart beat faster and I hoped I'd vanish. With his approach, I could see his features clearly by then; they were human features, a bit monstrous though, with red eyes and an angry expression.

"What are you doing here?" He growled at me. He was a monster who apparently spoke human language.

I froze, unable to utter a word--I was struck by the whole situation and I pinched myself, hoping it would all be just a dream. To my misfortune, I didn't wake up.

"Answer me!" He yelled.

"I don't know!" I nervously answered, not making eye-contact with him.

"You don't know?" He mocked me, then added, "are you stupid? Do you think I'm stupid? Answer me properly, human!" His shouting killed my nerves.

"I woke up, finding myself here." I truthfully replied while shaking.

"You filthy.." But before he could continue, he was interrupted by a terrifying scene. The fire grew larger and the monster who was just frightening me, was frightened to death.

He escaped quickly, as the catching fire followed him and I could hear him scream;

"It shall never leave me, I'm forever doomed." Then there was no trace of him.

With the departure of that monster, quietness fell again. The fire was gone; and what really surprised me was that the fire followed the monster without getting near me, though I was standing right in front of him. I found a big rock in the corner of the room on which I climbed and sat to recover from the panic and the disorientation I faced. Where was I? I wondered. Was I dead? What happened to me and why was in that place? That place appeared to me just like...My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps. I quickly got up, scared it might be the same monster. However, a new monster entered the room; he looked exactly like the previous one, except that he didn't yell at me. I stood in my place, fixing my terrified gaze on the new monster without making a sound. He gazed at me for a second with a confused gesture, unlike the previous one, his gesture wasn't angry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2015 ⏰

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