Are you start liking me?

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"Ah We are part timers"

we four said.

"Oh My name is Lee Dong-ja"

and we all bowed. Later, her phone rang. It seems like she was talking to her daughter. Not so long, she quickly ran down stair.Ms Koo followed as we three stayed and did what we had told to do.

A few minutes later,

I felt thirsty so went to kitchen to get something. On my way back, I saw Mr.Kim with a box and struggling to open the door.

"need help"

I walked to the door and opened for him.

"Oh Thank you so much Miss...-"

"Shin Hari"

I completed the sentence.And we both walked to the table where Ryung-gu oppa and Jung Woong were working.

"Whoever good at lifting things. Can you come with me to the storage"

Ryung-gu oppa stood up but Jun Woong said.

'I think I mean everyone would agree that I am stronger"

while doing gesture.

"Looks aren't everything. I am not the type to have any body fat on me. And my body is made of muscle"

"That's not-"

Mr Kim word were cut by Jun Woong.

'I might not born rich but born strong"

"Andddd hey we go again"

I mumbled to myself and took a slip of my drink. Me and Mr Kim looked at 2 guy bickering about their strength.

"Are they always like that?"

Mr Kim whispered.

"Yeah sometimes but don't expect to end within minutes"

I said and took another slip. Mr Kim looked so done with that 2 so

"I just need someone-"

but his word were cut again by 2 of them gesturing him to stop.

"Just a minute"

Jung Woong said while still looking at Ryung-gu oppa and he pointed his hand and

"Let's arm wrestle"

This is show that I shouldn't blink.

I can hear Mr Kim sighed.

Poor Mr Kim.

I shook my head.

They 2 took place on free table behind us.Before they start, they did unnecessarily long chit chat.

"So why don't you guys just start?"

I said impatiently while crossing my arm in front of my chest.

"Okay one two three"

after i finished, Ryung-gu oppa looked outside and said


I looked outside but on one is there.

Ahh twist.

And he looked at Jun Woong's hand and

"Mr.Hand there you are"

I saw Jun Woong's face and he looked so done with Ryung-gu oppa.

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 15, 2022 ⏰

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