Second Encounter

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(money got me confused so sorry if it is bad equivalent with money to item)

It was a week after the owlbear incident and Terry was weaving through the bustling town streets, today was Saturday which was one of the busiest days in the market. He wandered from stall to stall looking at all on the items people were selling, he came across a very small stall squished between two others. The person running the stall seemed to be selling potions "Excuse me? Is anyone there?" He asked.

"Ah yes, just a second!" A very familier voice half yelled.

Claudia popped up after a second, her hair was more frazzled and she had green plant stains all over her face, she smiled when she saw Terry "Hello again Terry."

"Hello Claudia, I never though you would be the one selling the famous hot morning brown potions." He said returning the smile.

"Yep! That's me! The hot morning brown potion seller! I do sell other potions but people mainly want the hot morning brown potion." Claudia responded.

"Can I buy a couple?" Terry questioned.

"Of course! How many do you want?"

"Only three please."

"That will be three silver pieces."

Terry grabbed a small pouch out of his satchel and grabbed the three silver pieces, he handed them to Claudia and she handed him the potions. He put the pouch and potions into his satchel "Thank you."

"See you around?" Claudia said.

"See you around." Terry replied before disappearing back into the bustling streets.

End Chapter
I hope you enjoyed the second chapter, feed back is greatly appreciated (:

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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