Calls of Favour

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(Y/n) P.O.V

I woke up bright and early the next morning. I got out of my bed and and changed my clothes. As soon as I went downstairs, I saw my Uncle start business and Micho my cat play with my phone.

"What is it girl?" I asked her. She pawed at my phone and I noticed it was buzzing. "Oh! Phone call from the government." I noted.

The government usually called when they feared something was up. Seeing as friends and I are superheroes, we manage to help out a lot.

I answered my phone and put it to my ear. "Hi! You have reached the team Big Hero 6! What seems to be the trouble?" I asked.

"Hello... There is no problem at all. We were just wondering if you and your gang would like to test out a portal. It is stable unlike silent sparrow was but everyone is to afraid of going in." Th general asked.

"Uh sure! We will be at the parliament house in 30 minutes." I say.

"Thanks you for your time." The general said.

I walked back up to my room and activated Bitmix by saying the magics word, ow. She started to inflate and stepped out of her purple charging pod.

"Hello, I am Bitmix. Your personal healthcare companion. I was alerted to the need of medical attention when you said 'ow'. What seems to be the trouble?" She questioned.

"Oh I am fine Bitmix but u need you to contact the others and tell them to meet here in 15 minutes with those super suit on." I explained. Bitmix nodded her head and sent a message.

"The government wants us to test something out so we will need to put your suit on again." I said as I dragged her to the garage where our suits were stored.

"Are you sure testing out this portal is a safe idea? Last time there was a test-"
I rolled my eyes and cut Bitmix off.

"Hey I know... It went horribly wrong. But that was because Alice Kreveen ignored sound science. The magnetic containment field was out of whack and she ignored that fact. The general just told me that is was safe. It was just that everyone was scared to go in." I explain.

"Oh okay." Bitmix said as she waddled to the centre of the garage as I tried to locate all her suit part. I found the gloves and shoved them on, along with the arm bands and legs. I fount the boots and chest plate. So one all that was left was the stomach plate. This part was always the hardest as all the spare air in Bitmix was in her tummy.

I don't know why she couldn't jut let some air out but I guess other wise she won't be able re inflate. Finally I clipped in the last piece and fell face forward in the dirt.

"You know that the floor doesn't need a hug right now right?" Tom Tom asked sarcastically. I turned around and saw the gang all suited up and ready for action.

"Oh! You guys are here already!" I asked in surprise. Ginger nodded.

"So, what's the delta today (y/n)? Monster? Invader? Bomber?" Asked Lucy excitedly.

"No... We are just doing some testing for the government." I tell them.

"But remove what happened in the last test? A person almost died!" Cola Coa-Coa pointed out.

"That's true but Alice Kreveen ignored sound science. She knew the magnetic containment field was unstable... The government said that this one want." I defend.

"Okay then.... What time do we arrive?" Tom Tom asked.

"In about 15 minutes so why don't we head on over to the Parliament House right now on Bitmix?" I suggested. Everyone but Ginger nodded.

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