"Now onto the growing listen on murders, we have Kai Brown, Nora Clark, and Arthur Thatcher all been murder. Let us take a moment of silence for the three lives that are lost."

"Thank you," Lee said, after a couple of minutes.

"Now, there are still a couple of missing people. Ted Tonks, his family, has heard nothing from him since he had left earlier this year. A muggle born named Dean Thomas is still on the run. His family is asking for any information on where he is. He is rumored to be traveling with Ted Tonks, but we are not sure. Charlotte Potter has been missing the longest now. No rumors have been heard if she has passed or not. Her parents are begging for any information that can help them find her. She was hot."

"River! You forget her parents are listening." George or Fred warned.

"Mr. and Mrs. Potter, that was not me who said it, it was...Tiny."

"There's no tiny here-"

"Shut up Wizzy! Anyway, we have to end it here folks, before Mr. Potter comes and kills me on live radio! Remember to join us for our next session. The password will be Potter. Be safe out there everyone!" Lee said, before the radio went silent.

Lily shut off the radio, shaking her head.

"Nothing we haven't heard before." James signed.

"Tonks is worried about her dad. We haven't heard from him in a while." Remus said,

"It'll be okay. He's a tough man. He survived the first war." Sirius said, Remus nodded.

"I should go. It's getting late." Remus said,

"Why don't you stay the night?" Lily offered.

"I can't leave Tonks alone, she's getting a little big." Remus said, smiling serenely.

"Her mother's with her." James said. Remus shook his head.

"No, I don't want to risk it." Remus said, looking at his watch. They stood from the table and walked Remus out. They stood outside in the cold, as Remus looked for his wand.

"I had it in my pocket."

"I think you left it on the table." Lily said, Remus signed.

"No, I'm pretty sure-ah found it!" Remus said.

"If only we could what Voldemort- "James explained, as he looked at the stars.

"No!" Lily shouted as James clapped a hand over his mouth. The group froze, taking out their wands, looking around like madmen. They heard a loud cracking noise, and suddenly four death eaters stood in front of them.

"Wow, looks like it's are lucky day boys! Were the ones that get to bring in Harry Potter's family." A death eater said.

"I'll give you guys a chance to leave." Sirius yelled. The death eaters started laughing.

"Give us a chance? You're the one that's going to be begging for us to stop!" Another said.

"Enough talking!" The third one said, taking his wand out.

"Your daughter misses you." A death jeered at James. James' eyes flashed.

"How dare you!" He yelled, throwing another jinx at the death eater, who blocked it, laughing.

The death eaters were outnumbered, but weren't afraid to throw the worst curses and jinxes out there, to get Harry Potter's family. Voldemort would be very pleased with them, or he would kill them if he knew they let the Potter's win.

But the family had something more than wanting Voldemort to win. They wanted to have their kids back.

"Pettigrew, how have you been? I missed seeing your pretty face in the cellar." A death eater called,

"You used to stare at it in the mirror all the time, remember? Pretending to be me Dolohov!" swore I'd kill you, and I will!" Peter yelled, easily recognizing his voice, that had haunted his dreams for the last fourteen years.

"Kill me? You're a rat, even your friends didn't notice you were gone, I should know! I hung out with them all the time!" Dolohov laughed, just as a green curse erupted from Peter's wand, hitting Dolohov straight in the chest. Dolohov fell back, dead.

"Dolohov!" Another yelled, his hand covered in blood from a wound in his chest.

"We have to go!" He yelled to the others. They all started apparting away, leaving Dolohvo's body behind.

"You killed him!" Sirius said, surprised. Peter stared at the body. He hated that man more than Voldemort.

"It's a war. People die." Peter shrugged, walking back inside the house.

The Lost Potter-Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now