He scoffed "well Olivia was the first problem and the reason the police are after me so I killed her." "What!" I yelled feeling tears coming out of my eyes. "She was quite easy to kill" "then It took me a while but finally I found Jessie" "N-nonononono, you didn't, YOU MONSTER" I screamed at him. "oh yes I did, I told her if she ever left me I would shoot her right in between her eyes, and that's exactly what I did" he said while laughing. I felt more tears rolling down my eyes, MSB could've be dead right? He could just be tricking me. But here I am about to get shot in the head by a psychopath.

He the pulled the gun back and put pressure on the trigger, I closed my eyes and cherished my last seconds on earth
I opened my eyes in surprise, I was still alive! How though didn't he shoot me? I look to the side and see THE HAWKEYE AND THE BLACK WIDOW. Hawkeye had shot Mr. Brendel with an arrow that made him fall in pain then Black Widow tased him.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Black Widow went to go call the cops and Hawkeye came over to me and helped me up "you good kid?" He asked me "Y-ya I'm good, thank you Mr. Hawkeye sir!" I smiled and he laughed. "Mr. Hacker sent us to help you" "W-what really?!" I said surprised "I mean I knew he knew the Avengers but I didn't think he knew knew you guys!! Wow that's amazing!" He laughed again at my fanboying.

"Your a good kid, stay safe and don't approach people who are stocking you kid, bad move. Just keep walking and call the police. Oh and good job texting your friends" he said as he patted my shoulder. I flinched a little bit and he looked confused but just walked towards Black widow.

Clint's pov

After I read the lasts text tony sent I knew he meant me and Nat. I got ready and went to Nat's bike and luckily Nat was already there in her suit prepared to kill someone.

We drove to the street where Peter said he was and we only found his bag and phone on the sidewalk. I sighed and crossed the road so I could slide down the building to see if Peter was in an alley way. After looking threw 2 alley ways I finally heard some talking and Peter crying cause the man? H-he killed a child!

I couldn't bare the thought of dead children cause of my children, I couldn't imagine losing them in this cruel world. They are my life. I signal for Nat and she approaches silently, I get my bow an arrow ready. Right as he was about to shoot Peter I shot an arrow at his stomach, the bullet comes out misses Peters head by an inch. I sigh in relief. Nat goes over and tasers him in the neck and I had to give her that 'don't kill him yet' look.

Nat moved a few feet to call the cops while I went over to make sure peter was okay. "you good kid?" I asked "Y-ya I'm good, thank you Mr. Hawkeye sir!" Polite kid "Mr. hacker sent us to help you"I said "W-what really?!" He was surprised "I mean I knew he knew the Avengers but I didn't think he knew knew you guys!! Wow that's amazing!" I laughed a little bit, he's a cinnamon role how could this horrible man do this too him?

"Your a good kid, stay safe and don't approach people who are stocking you kid, bad move. Just keep walking and call the police. Oh and good job texting your friends" I say to him with a soft smile. I pat his shoulder and he flinches,I gave him a confused look but shove it off as he was just scared as of what just happened to him.

I kinda hate to admit it but I think of Peter like my own child. I care for him a lot and I have a soft spot for him and I know Nat does too.

Nat walks over to Peter and walks him to his bag. "Be safe Pete and good luck on your internship, Mr. stark is going to love you I promise." "Oh and just stay here till the cops come so you can get a ride home and you can put your statement in." Nat says before walking over to the bike.

"Tony we're back!" I said as we walked into the Common room. Tony came rushing out of the kitchen "Did you guys find Peter? Is he ok? He's alive right?" He said half panicking. "Yes tony your son is alive and well" Nat said rolling her eyes. "Well I wouldn't say well, yk cause he almost got killed" Tony said completely ignoring the fact we called Peter his son.

"The dude that tried to kill Peter was Mr. Brendel he was Peters old guardian." Nat said before Tony walked away. "Is he dead?" Tony asked while turning around with a mad face "No but we wanted to kill him so bad but not in front of Peter, we couldn't traumatize him like that." I said. "Wait isn't Mr. Brendel that dude that Peter mentioned in the group chat?" Steve said while grabbing a cup of water out of the fridge.

"Ya it is." Tony said "he was also wanted for child abuse, domestic violence, suspected murder, and harassment" Tony said while clenching his hands into fists. Pepper came in and grabbed onto his right arm and kissed his cheek and was whispering to him something that I couldn't hear but I knew she was trying to calm him down.

Peters POV

Water company

Mr. Hacker you didn't tell me that you knew knew the avengers!! You have their numbers??!!
That's so cool!

Mr. Hacker
Not really they are kinda annoying when you get to know them

Ya Hawkeye and Iron-man are the most annoying trust me Peter

Mr. Hacker
Hey! He's not annoying he's cool and brilliant

And Hawkeye isn't annoying he just... acts different idk

I'll make sure to tell him that then next time I see him👌

oh! Talking about Hawkeye guess what happened!!
Hawkeye and Black Widow saved me right before Mr. Brendel shot me!!!

Mr. Hacker
Oh good! They got there!! Wasn't sure they were gonna find you with their brains(mostly Hawkeyes)

Boss lady
Peter isn't Mr. Brendel the person you mentioned before that hurt you?

Ya... :(

Boss lady
I'm sorry honey
But at least he won't be able to hurt you anymore


A/N hehe sorry for almost killing Peter-

If you ever need to talk to someone feel free to message me on wattpad or text me at (850) 490-7569.
If you ever feel the need to unalive your self and you fell like no hope is left plz reach out to 988 in America
211 in Canada I'm pretty sure
Feeling the urge to self harm please send a message to the sh crisis hotline 741741
And if no other options please call 911!
Stay strong lovelies <3
Wrote 18th august 2022
1991 words

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