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A few weeks later I'm walking in the halls and pass the man named kenma wearing a suit maybe because it's a pre-prom dance but well I go to wave/say hi a girl behind me just pushes me and runs to..... Kenma? and yells "BABE" Kenma looks up and says "hey" as she hugs him and just let's go and speak with a kitty face well-asking kenma "Heyy babe~ can I have some money please" kenma looks up rolls his eyes and hands her hundred dollars and she walks away I walk over and say "ken what was that" he looks up confused " don't give me that look we've been friends for 3 weeks you don't tell me you have a girlfriend AND she's a gold digger" he looks up "DONT ASSUME HER MOMS IN THE HOSPITAL SHE NEEDS FINANCIAL HELP" you just walk the way she went you bump into to people kissing you say sorry and realize it was Kennzy, Kenma's girlfriend you just run towards kenma

Kenmas POV 

as Y/N runs away I think if she was right but shake it off and go back to the game I was really into it until I hear.....Y/N? She's running towards me saying kenma and once she gets to me she grabs my arm and runs after a few minutes she starts slowing down I was about to speak. until she put her finger over her mouth like saying shh and points and as I look I slowly crumble it was Kennzy kissing a boy named Samuel she stopped and talked about how much money she had been making off me I started crying a bit Y/N instantly looked and hugged me "hey it's ok she didn't deserve you forget about her" I smile into her neck shes a bit taller than me so I didn't lower my head that much then I hear it......kennzy yelled baby why are you crying?"


I turn instantly after she said that I swear I would kill her if I could I said "you" she stood and throws his money at him "you know what I don't need you anymore and were done take your money"

Kenma POV 

Y/N looked pissed so I grabbed her and left the money we walked I throw her in the bathroom and pushed her against the wall looking taller than her somehow "JUST IGNORE HER GODDAMN IT" she looked shocked she was about to speak but i..kissed her then the bell rang she pulled away went down and to the side and ran I grabbed my bag and ran we had the same class after this so I came in not too late and sat down next to Y/N grabbed her thigh and just laid my hand there until after class we had P.E. so we went to our locker rooms in our gym clothes and ran to the gym and the coach said I have a  meeting today so you'll be in the girl's gym today so we walked over and I saw Y/N but didn't stand next to her, we were playing volleyball today but two players or just practicing against a wall if you wanted they had the boys choose weirdly saying we were the "guest" so once it was my turn everyone thought I would go to kennzy or no one but I choose Y/N, everyone was so supprised, so after P.E. me and Y/N had a book project to work on so we went to my house.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2022 ⏰

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