02 - together again

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*after theo went back to New York*
*not together officially YET*
*boris pov*

The cab waits outside the airport for me, and when I finally get off my flight, I grab my carry-on bag and run as fast as I can to the car.

When I get in, I give him directions to Hobie's, where I'm guessing Theo is staying. He used to tell me about him when we were high and he was reminded of home, but I'm glad he did, because now I can visit him.

It's been a year since I've seen Potter, and I miss him more than anything. Xandra gave me the money to buy a ticket to see him, and even though she hates to show it, I know that she still cares for him and misses him deeply just like I do.

For a while I couldn't even get out of bed or walk past his house without breaking down or thinking about the way that I just kissed him before he left.

It was all so quick and sudden, but I meant it. I meant that kiss.

My eyes dart from building to building as the cab speeds down the city road, occasionally getting caught in traffic jams, unlike Las Vegas.

The cab finally comes to a halt at a small building. As I climb out of the car and get my bag, I see vintage antiques filling the windows, and there is a side door with stairs leading down. I nervously stumble down the stairs and stand in front of the door, taking a deep breath and knocking. There is some shuffling inside and a few seconds later, a big man with a beard and dark skin appears in front of me.

"Can I help you?" he asks, looking at me up and down.

"Does Theo Decker live here? Small boy, glasses?" I say. A look of joy and confusion spreads across his face.

"Yes. Come inside. He is upstairs at the table." the man says. I walk quickly past him and he offers to take my bag which I gladly accept. I walk slowly and turn to see him sitting at the table and reading the newspaper.

"Same old Potter." I laugh weakly. His eyes immediately shoot from the newspaper and up to me where his face drops in shock. Tears immediately spill out of his eyes as he jumps up out of his chair and wraps his arms around me tightly, burying his small head in my shoulder as I pull him close.

"Boris...h - how are you here? I thought you would never come." Theo cries, his body still pressed on mine.

"I came to visit. Missed you so much." I say, trying to force my tears back. When he finally leans away, I keep my hands on his hips. His face looks the same, his glasses sitting on the top of his nose as he smiles and cries.

"I'm sorry I didn't come sooner. I was scared that you hated me after .... after what I did." I say, thinking about the kiss.

"I could never hate you, Boris. But...about the kiss..." he says, my face immediately turning red.

"I know. You didn't feel the same and I shouldn't have done it." I say softly.

"But I did feel the same. And being apart from you had only made me realize how much I love you. How in love with you I am." Theo says softly. It feels like the biggest relief to hear those words. After a year of regret, that's all I've wanted to hear coming from him.

"Potter, I love you so much. More than anything." I say, cupping his chin with one of my hands and tilting his head up. His face turns red and my stomach flutters as I slowly move my lips to his. Before I know it, our lips are moving hungrily and I'm sync with each other.

I hear a cough behind us and turn around to see the man standing and smirking slightly.

"So I'm guessing this is Boris?" the man asks, and I turn towards Potter who looks incredibly embarrassed.

"You've been talking about me, huh?" I tease.

"Oh, shut up." he laughs.

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