Louis - Chapter 1

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                       -The Show-

Every night before bed Louis's favorite show would play. Foes? Friends? Or lovers?
A game show where two contestants are paired up and given 72 hours to get to know each other. It's was tradition for louis to watch every night. Louis had dreamt of being on that show and finding his love as so many other couples he'd seen of t.v have.
"Stayed tuned to find out if they will be..." a male voice and the t.v spoke, "Foes? friends? or lovers?" A group of people yelled finishing the first man's sectance.
Be a good time to get some popcorn. Louis thought as he walked to his speaker, or as he liked to call it, the summoning bell.
A soft knock came from the door. "Come in!" Louis yelled as he walked back to his seat. "What c-can I do to he of your assistance sir?" A little girl in a maids dress that looked to big for her body. "How old are you?" Louis asked. The maid started blushing a light red. It was very visible on her pale face. "I-i'm f-f-fourteen" she said stuttering along. "Why do you stutter, are you afraid of me?" Louis asked curious about the girl. "No sir, I-I just s-stutter alot" the girl went on. "Huh..." Louis said "never mind that, get me some popcorn and make it snappy." Louis continued "of course" the girl said as she quietly left the room and it owner in peace.

Louis watched t.v on his chair as he waited from the maid to return with his popcorn. "I just stutter alot". Louis thought to himsel mimicking the girl.
A soft knock came from Louis's door. "Yes? Come in" Louis said. A different maid was here this time with his popcorn. Ugh, Louis thought to himself what is she doing here? The girl entered the room with a large bowl of popcorn in her hands. "For louis?" The girl said with pride in her words.

She was a tall girl probably just a head shorter than Louis. She had dark skin, brown eyes. And she was black. Too you and I this probably wasn't a big deal, but to Louis this was everything.
And she's black, a dirty black girl. Louis thought to himself. "Yes this is Louis" he said rather annoyed.

"I have your popcorn for you here, sir" the girl went on.
"Well don't just stand there... give it!"
Louis yelled at her.
"Of course"
The girl practicality ran to louis, with the bowl in her hands. "Here she said handing him the bowl of popcorn.
"Go!" He yelled at the poor girl. But in Louis's mind she was a dirty, black girl.

Do not judge a person by their colorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon