boris is an idiot.

248 8 3

light swearing!!

Theo's POV:

We were in the backyard to my house sitting infront of my pool with empty bottles of beer and vodka lying around, xandras cigarettes that we promised her we wouldn't take and two pillows we had took out with us while we were in the middle of a pillow fight. I stared at boris for awhile studying all of his perfect features and thinking about the memories we have had together.

I've been friends with boris since the day he was saying things about the girl in our class, and all I have to say about him is that he is an idiot. He makes stupid decisions and makes me help. Not that I mind of course. Boris doesn't seem to care when he steals things from places or when he drinks or takes drugs, but I love him for it. I love when he falls of the swings like a pathetic idiot and his hair covers his face while he curses in some language I probably won't remember, or when he tells me one of his stories from Ukraine or another of the many places he's been, he laughs at the stupid parts or when I insult him he knows I don't mean it and love him really.

"Potter?" Boris asks Breaking me out of my daydream. "What?" I reply half answering the questions while the other half has no idea what was happening while I was in deep thought. "You are doing the face you do when thinking, you are daydreaming or whatever you call it, yes?" He tells me with a face that practically says 'I know exactly what you are thinking and now you have to tell me every single detail.' "I guess so" I say not really expecting a reply. "What is it you are so lost in thought about potter? Is it me?" He says the last part while winking and doing a weird motion with his eyebrows. "Actually yes. I am thinking about you. I am thinking about how much of a total idiot you are!" I say smugly while he watches me closely which makes me feel a little flustered but I casually brush it off. "Potter it breaks my heart you think such bad things about your one and only boris!!" He says sarcastically pretending to cry. "I wish you thought of me only highly potter, as I only think good things about you other that the fact that you smell like rat in sewer drain!!" He emphasises rat as if to make sure I hear it, and boy I did. "You cant talk!! Your hair is so greasy I could fry food in it!!" We both laugh at this remark I made and silently call it even.

We sit silently at the edge of my pool both in a good mood. We aren't high right now just tipsy from the beer and vodka. I turn my head to see boris looking down, I follow his eyes to see the pool, giving me an idea.

"Boris! oh my god! Is that a spider!" I know boris hates spiders so I say this to completely freak him out. He almost falls over when he stands up next to me. "Where potter?! I cant see it from here-"
I cut him of by pushing the back of his legs hard enough so he falls into the pool. "Potter! Im going to fucking kill you!!" He says while spluttering out water. "Oh my god!! You should have seen your face!! I told you you looked like and idiot-" boris cut me off by pulling me into the pool by my legs, then when I flail under the water indicating I couldn't get back up, he pulled me up by my hips. "Who is idiot now potter?" He looks at me spluttering water like how he was a couple minutes ago, when I realise I'm holding onto him in a half hug for support (because I'm not the most confident swimmer) while we both stare at eachother with realisation plastered on to our faces.

"You really were thinking of me" he says talking the situation out of context. "Shut up you idiot! You know I can't swim!" I say very obviously getting flustered, my face going very slightly pink.

We continue to splash each in the pool for awhile and boris occasionally giving me tips on swimming. "Potter?" Boris Said after we had just stopped laughing about something stupid. "Yeah?" "Do you really think I'm an idiot?" He said not sad more like confused. "Yeah." I responded while his face started to look a bit upset. Probably not at me, knowing boris it was probably himself he was mad at.

"But your my idiot."

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