Pumpking part 1

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Once upon a time there are 2 brother and sister mia and jack .Jack is a vety smart and intellegent and mia is very naughty she never listen to their parents But she like to watch horror movies and she want to be paranomal activist  "after some time" BOTH bro ther and sister wad happy because of halloween night trick of treat but parents does not allowing to go outside parent says we going in relatives house dont go out side mia says ok bye!
Mia says bro les go outside
Bro says no mom dad does not allow us mia says please we come back early. Bro says ok
They go outside and started playing football because of high kick football goes on pumpkin field jack is getting it when he saw.............................................     
                                  What he saw?
We see in next part

        Written by - Kartik arora

                            The pumpking

Pumpking part 1Where stories live. Discover now