Chapter 19: Divorce Trial

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Navier is in her office waiting for the trial to begin. Vie and Claude are with her but all three royals aren't nervous or worried in fact they were relaxed. Too relax for what's to happen in a few hours. Few minutes later soldiers entered and kneeled before Navier.

"It's time your majesties your higness." A soldier told the royals.

The three merely nodded and walked out of the room and into the audience room.

"Their majesties Emperor Claude, Empress Navier and her hiighness Princess Genevieve has arrived!" The herald announced.

Everyone dropped into a deep bow and curtsy. While Soveshu was looking at Navier with a cold look. However when Claude saw this he glared at the bastard and Soveshu flinched and looked away.

Rashta on the other hand was secretly grinning pleased that in just a few minutes victory will be in her grasp. Vie knowing what the bitch was talking about discretly zapped her with lightning.

"Ahhh!" Rashta screamed out which surprised everyone in the room.

Rashta turned bright red since she just embarassed herself in front of the nobility and to the royal siblings. Most of the men blushed since her scream sounded like a moan. While the women glared at Rashta believing that she did that on purpose.

Soveshu looked at Rashta with an angry expression. He gripped her arm tightly as a warning not to do that again. Vie smiled pleased that her little scheme worked. Navier looked at Vie with a confused look but Vie just grinned.

"We are gathered here for the divorce of his majesty Emperor Soveshu and Empress Navier." The high priest began.

"Does your majesty the emperor wish to divorce her majesty the empress?" The high priest asked Soveshu.

"Yes your holiness I do." It shocked everybody that the emperor is so adamant in getting rid of a perfect wife and empress.

"Does her majesty empress Navier agree to this?" The high priest asked sadened by these events.

"Yes your holiness I accept the divorce." Everyone was panicking now they did not expect that the empress will accept this.

"By the power vested in me by the grace of God I now pronounce their majesties marriage null and void." The high priest said with finality.

"Their majesties can't be divorced!"

"What will happen to our empire now?"

"Will we be ruled by a slave and a commoner now?"

Everyone murmured worried for the future of their empire. However everyone went silent when Navier started to talk.

"Your holiness since I am now divorced I would like to request of your approval of my remarriage." Navier told the pope.

"WHAT!" Soveshu yelled while Rashta just stood there shocked.

"A r-remarriage to whom?" The high priest asked not expecting this.

"Why it's me of course." Everyone turned to the source of the voice and saw king Heinly wearing a veil.

"King Heinly what are doing here don't you know this is my empire!" Soveshu exclaimed obviously angry.

"Your holiness you cannot allow this it is illegal for king Heinly to attend this court without prior consent." The high priest was not listening to Soveshu but was looking at Navier.

Navier nodded in a subtle way in order to assure the pope that it is something that she want.

"I accept the remarriage of Empress Navier to King Heinly. King Heinly and Navier please stand before me." The high priest told the two and they went near him and kneeled.

"I now pronounce you king amd queen..." The high priest said and the couple smiled at each other.

"Thank you high priest I hope you will come to our wedding once we returned to the west." Navier asked which made the high priest smile.

"It will be an honor your highness." The high priest accepted.

"Congratulations Navie and Heinly I hope you would visit us sometime in Obelia." Vie told the two while giving them a kiss on the cheek.

"We will Vie I would love to meet my new niece and her majesty Diana after all." Heinly told Vie and Vie just patted the king's cheek.

"Congratulations Navie I hope this marriage will be a happy one." Claude said and hugged his cousin.

"It will Claude I know it will be." Navier assured his cousin and smiled.

"I hope you will take care of her Heinly she is a sister to us and she only deserves the best." Claude reminded the king again.

"Of course Claude don't worry about that." Heinly assured Claude and the Obelian emperor just nodded.

The happy atmoshpere was broken though when Soveshu decided to open his big mouth again.

"I can't believe you would marry this traitor! As emperor of this empire I will not allow you to remarry." The high priest rebuked the emperor's statement.

"That is not up to you Emperor Soveshu only I have the power to do that." The high priest told the emperor which made him turn red and walk off.

"Oh and Soveshu don't even think of trying to stop my beloved sister and brother from leaving your empire. For if you do the east will not only lose their empress but their emperor as well." Vie out right threatened Soveshu which prompted him to glare at the princess.

"Who are you to order me? I am the emperor while you are only a princess and a grand duchess. You have no right to order me around!" Soveshu exclaimed which made Vie laugh.

"I may be a princess and a grand duchess but my influence and power should not be underestimated. I was regent during my father's last few years of his reign. I ousted a tyrant emperor and made my brother take the throne. I am a force not to be reckoned with for whoever I support the people will support them. So do not assume just because I do not have the title of Empress Regnant does not mean I do not have the power to crush you." Soveshu paled and trembled when he heard Vie's tirade.

While Navier, Heinly and Claude all look at her with awe. Navier knew of this of course but her cousin sister never really flaunts her power unless it was necessary. Heinly on the other hand did not know that she reigned as a regent and it shocked him.

Claude who has been with Vie through everything new from the start that his sister deserved the throne more than him. However she never accepted it saying she was never interested in becoming an empress regnant. It really just shows how selfless and benevolent his sister is.

"So I advise you not to try me for if I had my way I would have destroyed this puny empire of yours and burn it to the ground. Do I make myself clear boy?" Vie asked in a mocking tone.

"Y-yes your highness." Soveshu said and ran out of the room.

"What a pain in the neck that son of a bitch is. Thank God he is no longer related to us in any way." Vie ranted and looked at the three behind her.

"Well? What are you three gawking at let's get the heck out of here." Vie dragged them out of the room and headed of to the carriages.

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