The lost girl and the beginning

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YN: "uhm excuse me?" I spoke in a soft quiet voice.. I'm ignored..
They have the same uniform as me so I was hoping to ask if I can walk with them. I just moved here from a different district so I'm not familiar to the area just yet. *ignored* It's fine if I just follow them right? It's not weird since we go to the same school so it's not technically following they just happen to be going the same direction as I am.

Wait... they're stopping at a convenience store and I didn't bring my wallet and its weird to wait outside.
.. what do I do? Hmmm. It's fine I'll just keep walking straight they should be the way.

* continue to walk straight* this looks wrong I'm starting to only see houses..
..... they're not behind me. At this rate I'll be late.

"Bye Mom we'll be back soon" almost simultaneously.
"Ok you two be safe."

My eyes sparkled as I saw one of the wearing the same uniform as me.

"Are you ok?" A soft calm voice spoke to me. He looked genuinely concerned.

"You go to the same school as my big brother" The girl spoke

"Oh yes! I'm new to the area I keep getting lost. I was following two guys with the same uniform but they stopped by a convince store and I didn't have my wallet n I kept walking straight n now I'm lost." I must have looked in distress..

They both smiled kindly.

"Oh I'm so sorry you had to go through that but it's ok now, you can walk with us."
He smiled.

"YN-Chan, Reaching the convinced store you should have taken a left." She giggled and waved. "Bye big brother I'll see you after school." She ran toward two of her friends that waited for her.

"Bye Nezuko, stay safe."

*I smile and waive back*

"I'm so sorry to be an inconvenience but I really do appreciate you helping me out."

"No you're not being inconvenient at all I'm glad we met because now you have two new friends."
(kya Sorry I'm starting to simp for Tanjiro hahah no! He's a pure precious boy I can't)

*softly blush*

"Thank you"

"What class are you in?" He asked

"Class 1b what about you?"

"Thats great we're in the same class!"

We had arranged seats, he's in the front on the second row of the class n you got stuck in the third row third seat. (You ain't the main character lol sorry you don't get a widow seat lmao.

* lunch time*

Tanjiro and I found a nice shaded bench. I had dropped my soda can by accident n to be safe I opened it away from me not realizing someone was walking and slashed over a mohawk guys shirt/pants.
Oh he's the one I was following.. QUICKLY! standing up and apologized.

"I'm very sorry!! Are ok? I didn't see you walk pass. Here I have a Handkerchief, again I am so sorry." I said in a complete panic I padded him and quickly handed it to him. His faced turned bright red. Is he angry?

He took it and walked away without saying a word..

"Tanjiro he looked angry! I feel so bad." I looked at him

"It's ok it was an accident, You did apologize and lend him your handkerchiefs that was very kind of you. He sits next to me in class he may seem a little rough but he seems like a kid person."

"He's in the same class as us? Maybe I should give him my dessert as a peace offering?" I suggest

"I think that's a great idea!"

"Do you think he'll like watermelon? That's what I brought as dessert."

"I'm sure he will! Watermelon is so sweet and juicy."

"Ok we only have 15 mins before lunch ends I 'll see you in class"

His pov:
Sanemi told me not to talk to him in school but he didn't even give me my lunch money. I need to find him before lunch ends I should have just bought something while we were at the store. Why didn't I? Oh that's right he rushed me n I couldn't decide. I'm so hungry.
*at this point he got splashed with the drink*

Who tf!
I look to my right to see a panic girl.. She's so close and pretty..
Did she just hold my hand and gave me her handkerchief......
"It's fine"
(He whispered it so low Tanjiro and reader didn't hear him. He was also looking the other way)

I should probably wait out here in the sun to let this dry off there's no point in running it over water.

Your pov:
oh is that him laying on the grass? *Runs toward him*

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