Part 2

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Erin's POV (still):

"Do I have to go with you, I can just get an Uber"- I told Lauren as we were walking out of Lilia's house.

"Yes, I feel this talk is really important" -she told me and I just groaned

We put our stuff in the back of her car, got into the car and put the seatbelts on

We pulled out of the driveway and on to the streets

"So, how long?"- She asked me

"How long what?" -I asked her having no idea what she was talking about

"How long have you been crushing on Lilia"- she supplied

I started to blush

"To be honest, I don't know, I have no idea when it started, just all of a sudden realization hit me"- I told her truthfully

"And are you planning on telling her?"- she asked

"No not really" – I answered

"Why not?"- she asked

"Well, I don't want to ruin our friendship for starters" – I said

"You and I both know Lilia wouldn't stop being friends with you over something like that, hell she and Jillian are still friends"- she told me

"Exactly"- I exclaimed

"I was Jillian's friend before I was Lilia's not only do I now hang out way more with Lilia than I ever did with Jillian, now I have a crush on Jill's ex, doesn't that make me a bad friend? -I asked her

"Well, no, they are still friends and they broke up, meaning they are able to date who ever they want without the other getting mad, and besides, one, you never made a move on her when they were dating"- she said

"Well, I didn't like her like that back then"- I added

"Exactly, means you have done nothing wrong" – she said

"Well, you may be right, but that does not in any way, shape or form mean that I am going to say anything about this to Lilia" – I said

"Aren't you spending the weekend with Lilia?"- she asked me

"Uh yeah, I don't know if you remember but today is Monday and the weekend starts on Friday"- I say looking at her as if she was a child who did not get basic things

"So, you honestly think she will not notice, when it's just you and her?"- she told me

"Well, we don't really talk about crushes when it's just us, makes it less fun"- I said

"If you think the only way for someone to notice is to talk about crushes, you are more lost than I thought my friend"- she said laughing at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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