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It's been ten years since Ingressus joined the Nestoris clan. Aegus has shown him amazing things. But one is still unsure of how to feel about Ingressus. Achillean at first isn't the nicest to Ingressus and often comes off as mean. But after  Ingressus has a small pep talk with Aegus Ingressus learns to give Achillean time and don't give up on trying to make Achillean his friend. Let's hope Achillean will be willing to give it a chance.

It was 6am sharp when Achillean's alarm goes off. Achillean gets ready as he gets his fishing rod and bucket ready. As he walks down the hall of his home, he faces the door with Ingressus's name on it. Achillean opens the door to find young Ingressus still asleep. Achillean began to light the candles in the room which woke young Gress up.

"Good morning," Achillean said in a low tone of voice, "Morning but what time is it?" Ingressus asked, "6am. It's time for your first fishing lesson" Achillean said as he tossed Ingressus a fishing rod, "oh ok" Ingressus said following Achillean outside to the docks.

When after maybe ten minutes Ingressus looks over at Achillean who just keeps looking down, "Achillean?" Ingressus asked, "yes" Achillean responds, "Do I offend you in some way?" Ingressus asked then Achillean lifted his head and faced Ingressus, "what no not at all" Achillean said trying to lie, "But you've been kind of mean to me since I got here?" Ingressus questions and Achillean sighs but before he could speak, he felt his line being tugged at and Achillean pulled with all his might and ended up falling into the lake. Ingressus reached and grabbed Achillean's hand and brought him back up, "Thanks for that" Achillean said coughing up water as he held the fish in his arms.

"You're welcome," Ingressus said then helped Achillean put the fish in the bucket before heading home. Aegus was making them breakfast, "back already, and WHAT happened to Achillean!?" Aegus asked confused about why Achillean is soaking wet, "I fell into the lake, but Ingressus saved me" Achillean said putting the bucket down before heading off to his room to get dried off.

"Master Aegus?" Ingressus asked and Aegus looked at his adoptive son, "Yes Gress?" he responded, "Dose Achillean hate me?" Ingressus asked and Aegus stayed silent for a moment before having Ingressus sit next to him on the couch, "Look Gress I know it seems that way, but Achillean doesn't hate you. He is just dealing with a lot at the moment" Aegus explains and when Achillean came back he was holding a small photo in his hand. After he took a seat at the table, he looked at the photo and even teared up a little.

"I know it looks like he hates you, but he doesn't. Don't give up on him. He might surprise you when you least expect" Aegus said before going over and hugging Achillean before ruffling his hair. That night Ingressus heard footsteps and saw Achillean sneaking out. Ingressus decided to follow.

Ingressus followed Achillean to a large pink willow tree. Achillean said there and didn't even notice Ingressus, "Can I sit here?" Ingressus asked quietly and Achillean nods. Ingressus sat down and faced Achillean with a face of concern, "Achillean do you really hate me?" Ingressus asked and Achillean him, "No it's not you. It was never you" Achillean said, "But you've been mean to me and rarely talk" Ingressus objects, "Ok ok I haven't been completely honest" Achillean said holding the photo close, "I don't talk about this much but" Achillean hands Ingressus the photo.

The photo was off Achillean when he was just a toddler and two other Nestoris, "today is the anniversary of my mother passing away. Like I said it happened a really long time ago so I-" Achillean saw how shocked Ingressus was, "Didn't want to bring it up" Achillean said putting a hand behind his head, "Mom and Dad would always make pretty flower crowns to wear for their birthdays. The started making me where them and they'd call me Their Little Prince and we'd do it every year. After they died Aegus and I counited it and he would also call me his little prince. Then we'd visit their graves and Aegus and I would just spend the day together" Achillean explains and Ingressus looks down, "I'm so sorry that happened. It must have been hard" Ingressus said as he looked down. And Ingressus thought of something that would brighten Achillean's day for sure.

Later when Achillean got home he was surprised by Ingressus and Aegus. Both wearing flower crowns, "I mad you one too" Ingressus said placing another crown on Achillean's head, "It was Gress's idea for this. He wanted you to have this" Aegus said and then Achillean barraled Ingressus in a huge crying, "thank you so much. I'm sorry for being a jerk" Achillean said.

"You've definitely earned my trust"

Not even one chapter in and I made a sad/happy chapter. Wow I guessy secret talent is making my viewers cry lol.

Hope you enjoy stay turned for more. ٩(̀́)ᵇʸᵉ 🦦📖🦦📖🦦📖🦦

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