chapter 1

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Eddie was leaving hellfire pissed because Dustin and Mike had to leave out of nowhere so he had to stop the campaign and they have to continue next week and now it's going to take even longer to finish. Instead of going home Eddie decided to go on a walk in the woods it was going to be calming and that's exactly what he needed something calming. As he walked he came upon a girl on a rock crying 'fuck do I leave or do I see if she's ok' he thought but before he could do anything the girl walked up to him and whispered "wow your cool" and then mumbled something under her breath "um thanks" he mumbled The girl got surprised "you heard me" she asks confused and scared "um yea of course I can" Eddie said backing up a little but suddenly the girl hugs him and starts crying "um are you ok?" He asks but the girl just continues to sob into his chest "Hey i need to leave" he said trying to get the crying girl off "no please don't leave" she cries out squeezing him trying to get him to stay "i'll come back tomorrow" he sighed trying to breath "really" she sniffled slowly letting go of the man "yeah i'll come back" he replied finally getting her off. The next day when Eddie sat down everyone was staring at him "hey guys did someone spread a new rumor about me" eddie asked his group. Suddenly walks in jason he angrily starts walking towards eddie "hey freak stay the hell away from my sister's grave" he barked grabbing eddie by his collar and shoving him against the wall " i have no idea what your talking about" eddie hissed grabbing jason's hand. Of course this happening on a high school just made it 10x worse because now a bunch of teens are yelling and huddling trying to see the potential fight "listen man let my shirt go calm down and lets talk like people with common sense" eddie suggested but why would jason listen to the guy he thinks was hanging around his little sisters grave. Why would he listen to the guy that could have vandalized her burial spot just for fun so instead he gives eddie a nice right hook to the face and finally lets him go and walk away "ok that's probably gonna bruise" eddie grumbled as he rubs his face just then eddie sees the girl walking past a window and then he realized he never got her name

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Gonna stop here I hope y'all enjoyed
-Ghost 👻

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