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"Why is he so quiet?"

"He doesn't have anything to say."

"Does he even smile?"

"Avoid him, Miya. You don't need to be seen with that boy."

That's what everyone always said. Xiao was aware. He was aware about what everyone said about him, down to why they were staring. He knew the reasons as well.

He was always alone. Never talked to anyone, and he glared at anyone who even stepped into his personal bubble. He would talk in a passive aggressive tone. No laughing to ease the vibe. He just stared and stared, frowning at everyone around him.

So when they talked, he knew they were just curious. Curious about the boy who didn't have any friends.

Why wouldn't they? Everyone in Teyvat had friends. Xiao just didn't get the memo.

A brunette haired girl walked into the hallways, walking towards Xiao with a smile. She sat down next to him. Her energy was bright and it made him uncomfortable.

"Hi!" she said, practically screaming it in his ears.

Xiao ignored her, eating his almond tofu in silence.

The girl didn't stop.

"My name is Amber!" she continued. "Mrs. Gunnhildr asked me to check up on you because you haven't talked to anyone this year. Or the last. Or the year before..." She trailed off.

Xiao licked the tofu off his lips.

Amber stared at the boy. He had no response.

"Oooookaaaay..." she cleared her throat. "Well. Um— if you would like to hang out with someone next lunch, my girlfriend, Eula, and I are completely fine with you joining us! Noelle and Barbara are there as well if you—"

Xiao stood up from the floor, picking up his school bag. He slung the bag over his shoulder and began walking down the hallways, away from Amber. He wanted to be left alone; Amber was too persistent.

"If you want to join us, we'll be on the roof after school!" she shouted. "Hope to see you there!"

Xiao rolled his eyes, putting his hands in his pockets as he walked further away from the girl.

He could hear her yells even as he hit the end of the hall and into his class. Her words echoing in his brain. Shouting at him to join her and her friends at the roof.

Perhaps it was a joke. A prank even. No one liked Xiao. Especially not brunette girls who want to flaunt off their social skills with boys who want to be left alone. Forever.

No one was going to change that. Not even Amber.


Venti took a bite of his apple, taking in the flavor. He was barely paying attention to what his friends were talking about. The apple was just that damn good.

Venti adored apples. He would marry an apple if it was legal. Apples were the best fruit, the best food. No one could change his opinion.

"She's back." Dehya pointed at a brunette girl walking in the cafeteria. She looked a little disappointed, frowning as she sat next to a blue haired girl.

Venti turned around to look at the girl.

"Is she alright?" he asked.

"Not really our buisness," Dehya said. "If we bothered her she wouldn't be able to heal."

"Are you sure we should ignore her, Dehya?" Kaveh asked.

Dehya looked at Kaveh with a smile. He didn't smile.

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