He sits next to me silently.

I turn to him and tears fill my eyes while he pulls me into a hug.

"Hey, hey, you're okay, I'm here, you're safe, I need you to breath"

I manage to stabilize my breathing before collapsing into sobs in his arms.

And he just held me.

And that's all I needed in the moment.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks softly into my hair

"Jumping off"

I realize what I said too late, and his posture stiffens.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay, come on, let's go inside"

I follow him inside and we sit on the couch.

"Do you want to talk about it?"



"Okay, um, is there any reason you could be feeling this way? Sorry I'm really bad at this"

"No you're fine, this shouldn't be your responsibility anywa-"

"It's not a responsibility, Y/n, it's wanting you to feel okay because you're my friend and I want you to be happy. Now answer the question (he says this lightheartedly btw)"

"I guess I'm feeling like this because talking with my parents drained me emotionally and I couldn't sleep so I didn't and I forced myself to do everything that was expected of me but it wasn't good enough because it's never good enough and I hate myself and I think I'm better off dead."

I look up to see Ranboo's eyes glossed over and I look away.

"Y/n," his voice breaks a little, "you don't have to force yourself to do anything. You're enough just being here, okay? Please stay here."

Tears run down my face silently and he pulls me into a hug again.

"Please stay here," he repeats, whispering it.

We stay like this for a couple of minutes until we pull away.

"You should sleep," he says, looking at my face.

"I'm not tired"


"I'm gonna go to the bathroom really fast"


I lock myself in the bathroom and while I'm washing my hands, see a razor.


My hands shake as I reach for a towel

Cut yourself

You're not worth it anyway

You deserve it

There's a knock. "Y/n"

A sob escapes me without me realizing.

"Y/n! Open the door please"

I don't respond and I hear the lock click.

"I'm coming inside"

Ranboo enters the bathroom and picks me up gently, carrying me to his room.

He turns off all of the lights, closes the curtains, and puts on calm music.

How did he know I was overstimulated?

"Can I touch your hair?"

I nod.

You know you love me || Ranboo x Reader *on break/discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now