Homecoming Screams

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Once you got home you were DRUNK. Guess what you came home to...."Steve! People have the right to keep there identity secret! ITS WRONG DO YOU WANT AN ORPHAN GIRL WHO FINALLY FINDS AWAY TO HIDE AND CONTROL THERE POWERS TO BE CONSTANTLY WATCHED AND SCARED! THE UNITED STATES SUICIDE RATES WILL BREAK THE CHARTS!" Steve then yells,"TONY THE WORLD DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY" You sober slightly at those words," STEVEN ROGERS AND ANTHONY STARK SHUT THE FUCK UP!" You turn to your enraged boyfriend a single tear fell down your face," I Tried to kill my self because of being watched.... so DON'T YOU DARE SAY THE WORLD DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY CAUSE I WAS ONE OF MANY MANY MEN AND WOMEN WHO TRIED!" you sigh,"YOU can sleep on the couch tonight or sleep with me if you say sorry to me, Tony, and the rest of the gang... Im going to bed Jarvis". The AI reply s," yes (Y/F/N)" you sigh,"notify me of the outcomes... Good night everyone..." you walk to your room wobbly leged till Tony helps you to your room.

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