first time

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So i used the app called "litmatch" and i was minding my own business then this guy texted me im just gonna call him "lean" so we talked alot and he is a very gentlemen he will always ask how i was how i was doing we always talk when its 3 o'clock until 10 or 12pm then one evening he ask me what's my favorite thing that i like when men is doing it so i said "I like when a guy always talk about how i am doing and how my day was" thats what i said so he said "ahhh ok!" And he said to me tomorrow im gonna go practice basketball with my cousins and friends and i was like "ohh ok go sleep now couse your gonna get up early" and he was like "ok good night  sleepwell" (blushed) and i said back "sleep well too"(with heart emogi) [tomorow] he sent me a video of him going basketball and ordering some food for himself so i blushed couse no one sent me a video or that effort just for me

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