Phase 2

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Everyone gathered around the cooking benches, their anticipation palpable. Some were thrilled at the chance to showcase their culinary skills, while others felt a sense of frustration, yearning to prove themselves as hunters rather than chefs. The air crackled with mixed emotions as voices erupted, echoing through the crowd. "We want to be hunters, not chefs!" a few shouted, their discontent growing louder.

But their complaints were abruptly silenced by the commanding voice of Menchi. Stepping forward, she raised her hand and demanded everyone's attention. "Quiet!" she bellowed, her authoritative tone cutting through the unrest. The crowd hushed, their eyes fixed on Menchi. "My name is Menchi, and this is Buhara. We are gourmet hunters," she declared, her words carrying an air of superiority. The room buzzed with a mixture of anger and curiosity, but no one dared to challenge her further.

"We want pork," Buhara stated firmly, his gaze sweeping over the crowd. "Go out and hunt any pig you can find. Cook it, and we will judge your dishes." With those words, the crowd dispersed in a frenzy, each person determined to track down a pig.

Unbeknownst to them, fate had a twisted surprise in store. As the group scattered in search of pigs, Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio unwittingly stumbled upon a pack of wild, carnivorous pigs. Panic gripped their hearts as the ferocious creatures bared their razor-sharp fangs and charged at them with relentless determination. They were soon caught in a desperate chase, their lives hanging in the balance.

Meanwhile, Otsutsami had been observing the chaos from a distance. A glimmer of determination shone in his eyes as he swiftly made his way towards his friends in peril. Drawing his blade with lightning speed, he leaped into action, his movements a blur of agility and precision.

The clash of steel against snarling tusks filled the air as Otsutsami engaged in a fierce battle with the savage pigs. His broken sword, a symbol of past defeat, now became an extension of his indomitable spirit. With each strike, he fought not only for his friends but also to reclaim his shattered honor.

The onlookers, their breaths held captive, witnessed a breathtaking display of strength and resilience. Otsutsami's every move was a testament to his unwavering resolve. He dodged and parried, his determination unyielding. One by one, the pigs fell before him, their savage roars silenced by the swift swipe of his blade.

Finally, the chaos subsided, leaving a stunned silence in its wake. The crowd turned their gaze back to Otsutsami, their eyes filled with a mixture of astonishment and awe. He stood amidst the fallen pigs, his expression a blend of exhaustion and triumph. His broken sword, held firmly in his hand, resonated with a newfound sense of purpose. "One day, I will repair you," he whispered to the broken piece of his weapon, an oath born from the crucible of battle.

Regaining his composure, Otsutsami gently lifted the butchered pig, cradling it in his arms. He retraced his steps, carrying his hard-earned prize back to the exam site, his head held high with a newfound sense of pride. The weight of his triumph, however, was tinged with a somber realization of the challenges that lay ahead.

Upon reaching his station, Otsutsami meticulously cleaned the pork, preparing it with utmost care. Placing it on the grill, he watched as the flames licked the meat, transforming it into a savory delight. The aroma of cooked pork filled the air, tantalizing the senses of the judges.

Menchi, known for her discerning palate, took a bite and nodded approvingly. Buhara followed suit, his expression betraying a rare hint of satisfaction. "Finally, something that resembles an actual dish," Menchi remarked, her voice carrying a touch of surprise. Buhara, equally impressed, lifted two skewers, while Menchi took one.

As they savored the tender meat, the judges exchanged glances. Buhara swiftly raised the blue circle, a sign of passing, and Menchi soon followed suit. The tension in the room broke as relief washed over Otsutsami and the spectators. He had succeeded where others had faltered, proving his worth in the face of adversity.

Hunter x Hunter x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now