One step farther away from death

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The wolves leaped in front of them in the middle of the melting river. The group tried to turn back but the wolves were surrounding their only possible exits. They were trapped. Mr Beaver tried to threaten the wolves but one of them pounced on and pinned him to the


" No!" Mrs. Beaver yelled mournfully.

Without hesitation, Peter and Rory drew their swords. Their stance was wrong: Rory was holding the sword too tightly and Peter too loosely, but they were ready to strike if necessary.

"Put that down, kids," Maugrim warned, "Someone could get hurt."

"Don't worry about me!" Mr. Beaver grunted from his position under the wolf, " Run him through!"

Rory paled considerably. Just thinking about running someone or something with her sword made her nauseous. From the looks of it, Peter was thinking the exact same thing.

"Leave now while you can, and your brother goes with you," Maugrim said.

"Stop, Peter! Rory!" Susan shouted, " Maybe we should listen to him!"

"Smart girl," Maugrim taunted.

Peter began lowering his sword, clearly conflicted. Rory however was still standing in a defensive position. Why would the witch let them go? Let Edmund go? It didn't make sense.

"Don't listen to him! Kill him! Kill him now!" Rory could distantly hear Mr. Beaver exclaim.

"Oh, come on," Maugrim said, "This isn't your war. All my Queen wants is for you to take your family and go."

Rory still held her sword. If that's what the witch wanted, she could've said so. She could have let Edmund go and told them to never return again. But she hadn't, instead she had hunted them down. Peter seemed to follow her thoughts and raised his sword again but both of them were too scared to actually gut the animals if necessary.

"Look, just because some man in a red coat hands you a sword, it doesn't make you a hero! Just drop it!" Susan demanded angrily.

"No, Peter! Narnia needs ya!" Mr. Beaver roared, "Gut him while you still have a chance!"

"What's it gonna be, Son of Adam?" Maugrium taunted ,"I won't wait forever. And neither will the river."

Rory nodded at Peter as a way to reassure him. It was her way to show she was with him whatever decision he made. For a few seconds, Peter felt a rush of relief and determination. Rory believed in him. He could do this. He wouldn't let her down.

"Peter!" Lucy shouted, horrified.

Peter and Rory looked up and finally noticed the waterfall was starting to crack and collapse. Peter quickly began formulating a plan.

"Hold onto me!" Peter said as he stabbed his sword into the ice. It was a plan, not a smart plan but a plan nevertheless Rory thought as she and the Pevensie girls huddled together and grabbed Peter tightly.

The waterfall finally cracked and plunged down on them. The freezing water quickly swept them away. You know the feeling after eating too much ice cream and your brain feels like it's about to explode? Rory felt like that except on a grander scale. Everything burned from her brain, her lungs, her limbs.

Once she ressurged from the water she managed to gasp for air. Rory was okay, she had survived but what Pevensies. Frantically, she looked around, Peter and Susan were breathing heavily too right next to her. But where was Lucy? The water plumbed them down again

but this time Rory managed to keep her head out of the water. That's when she noticed Lucy being swept away by the current far away from her and her siblings. She looked terrified as the water buried her deep within again.

Once Upon a Dream | Peter PevensieWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu