◇ chapter one

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"I...I...I didn't...."

"What's going on?"

The class president climbed the stairs from behind curiously before he saw the red marks on my wrist

"I'll take you to the infirmary now so let's talk about this later"

I almost pitied the boy who was on the receiving end of the cold smile of our red haired class president.


"Who did this?"

I glanced at my frowning brother crossing his arms across me before replying

"No one important"

"You should have called me. I had to hear from others that you were injured"

"You don't have to take care of me like a baby oppa. It's not your responsibility.  Besides, it's just a sprain."

I replied lightly as the door of the infirmary opened and my brother's friend walked in

"How are you feeling hee-jin?"

"I'm fine ju-in oppa. They told me not to put too much pressure for a few days."

"I see. Did you get hurt somewhere else when that boy pushed you?"

"What? No! I was the one who stepped back......"

I spoke bewildered only to realise my brother was listening

"He Pushed You??"

"No! I said I stepped back"

His eyes narrowed at the sentence as he snapped

"What did he do?"

I glanced at both of them clearly knowing that this isn't going to end well.

"He just asked me out and I said no..."

"And he tried to force you?"

"No, he just grabbed my hand a bit harshly."

I winced as my brother's gaze turned grim and ju-in's smile darken.

"Lie down and rest jin-ah. We'll take care of everything else."

Ju-in cheerfully patted my hand as I spoke out

"Don't do anything........severe"

"Don't worry, we won't"

I laid back on the bed and sighed watching my brother and his friend walk out.


"How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay"

I watched my class president Kwon Eunhyung glance at me skimming over the injuries before asking

"You can tell me if you have any problems okay?"

No wonder he's the reliable character in the novel

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