S1 E1: Rockers & Writers

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Inside the Sonic Boom, Y/N sits in a chair by the window reading a magazine and Ally stands behind the counter writing in her book. "Hey, Ally, Y/N, guess who got a job at Cupcake City." Trish announces as she walks through the door. Y/N stands and goes over to the register with Ally and Trish.

Trish hands them both cupcakes "Thanks, Trish." Y/N says ready to eat the cupcake and she takes a bite.

"Yeah. Thanks, Trish, but there's no eating in the store. But I do like cupcakes. Gimme that." Ally takes the cupcake from Trish. "Yeah, they give us all the rejects. That one I dropped on the floor." Trish tells Ally. "And the one you're eating Y/N, some flies landed on it." Y/N stops eating as she goes behind the counter and spits into a napkin given by Ally.

"That's what I get for breaking the rules. Hey, do you guys want to go to a movie Sunday?" Ally speaks. "Sure, I'm down." Y/N speaks. When Ally walks back over she comes face to face with an older lady. "Oh, I'd love to go to the movies." the older lady responds.

Y/N and Ally look at each then back to the woman "Oh, um, great. Because you're exactly the person I was asking." Ally says. "It's a date!" says the woman. "Can't wait, lady-we've-never-met." Y/N spoke genuinely. Ally and Y/N turn around and notice Trish "Oh, where'd you go?" Ally asks. "Yeah, we have a date with that lady over there at the movies Sunday." Y/N tells Trish.

"I was on the phone. That was work. Apparently "being there" is part of the job." Trish says while putting apparently in air quotes. Gotta go. Hey, Mr. Dawson." Trish says and she speaks to Ally's dad as he walks into the store. "Guess who found 37 more cents." Buster announces.

"Dad, stop taking money out of the mall fountain. Those are people's wishes." Ally explains to her father. "Well my wish came true. I have 37 more cents."

"Well, speaking of wishes: Dad, is there any way I could put a piano upstairs in my practice room? The one I'm using is older than the lady Y/N and I are dating Sunday." Buster looks at Ally with confusion. "It's a long story, Mr. Dawson." Y/N tells him.

"Honey, I know you love music, but the odds of making it in the music biz are like a bazillion to one. C'mere." Buster says and he and Ally do their signature handshake before he leaves.

Y/N and Ally go back to the counter as they hear the drums being played. Ally puts down her book and grabs her friends hand pulling her over to the two boys. "Ally, why are you dragging me over here?" Y/N groaned.

"Because we work here and they're playing the drums." Ally responds. "Oh, yeah. How could I forget that." Y/N remarks. Once the two girls reach the boys Ally whistles and the blonde stops playing. "Did you not see the "please do not play the drums" sign?" she tells him.

"It's okay. I'm an awesome drummer." the blonde says and he starts to bang on the cymbals again and Ally grabs his hands that held corn dogs instead of sticks. "What you just said has nothing to do with what I just said." Ally says.

"Are those corn dogs?" Y/N asks disgusted yet amazed. "Mm-Hm." the blonde responds and he takes a bite of one. "Ew. Do you know how dirty these drums are and how unhealthy corn dogs are and there's no food allowed in here?" Ally groans. "Come on, Ally let him eat his corndogs he's not making a mess." Y/N looks at the blonde.

His red headed friend then walks from behind the drum set. "I'll handle this, Austin. Ma'am we are making a music video. I am the director, although I prefer the term filmmaker." he says tossing his phone which falls on the floor.

"That's probably broken." Y/N spoke. "And cut!"

"We're gonna need a lot of instruments. I can play anything- piano, drums, guitar, harp. I can even play a trumpet through another trumpet." Austin said as Y/N, Ally, and his friend follow him. He picks up the trumpets and plays. Once Austin was finished everyone in the store claps.

Y/N smiles "That was amazing." she says. "Okay, okay, well I can play a harmonica through a sousaphone." the red head plays and the harmonica goes flying into the mouth of the lady Y/N and Ally had a date with on Sunday.

The red head runs over to her "Prepare to be heimliched!" he shouts. Everyone watches as he preforms the Heimlich and the harmonica plays.

"Here's the thing about the instruments." Austin says looking back at Y/N and Ally. "You don't have any money." Ally says. "What if I pay you back when I get rich and famous?" Austin follows her over to the register.

"Great! Just have your butler fly over on your private jet and drop off a sack of shiny gold coins." Ally says with sarcasm. "Really?"


The woman coughs and her dentures and the harmonica fly out of her mouth. "Got it! Whoo!"
Ally was upstairs as I was downstairs attending to customers and taking the occasional break. I see the boy from earlier walk up to me. "Hey, you're Austin, right?" I ask him and he nods. "I'm Y/N, honestly I think you're really good. I dabble a little on the instruments myself. " I say to him. "Thanks, and really?" Austin asks me.

"Mmhm, I played the piano, guitar, and flute." He frowns. "People actually play the flute?" I furrow my eyebrows. "I'm kidding." He says and I shake my head while laughing at him.

"You're funny. Hey, um maybe I could play you something." I tell him and I wave my hand gesturing for him to follow me to the practice room that Ally thinks is private, but I use it as well. "And if Ally asks: just make up an excuse for going up there."

When we reach the door I could hear Ally singing one of her songs. I wrote songs myself but no one would most likely hear them because: 1. No one's ever asked and 2. I'm not really a singer.

You don't know, know, know. My name, name, name. I'm gonna make, make. Make you do a double take-

Ally stops singing and screams as she notices us in the practice room. "Oh, don't act too surprised to see me." I laugh. "How long have you two been standing there?" Ally says. "I was wondering if I could get a discount on this harmonica. You know, because it's been in the lady old lady." Austin says since he had the harmonica and I guess he decided to use that as an excuse.

"Uh, this is my private practice room. Did you not see the "keep out" sign?"

"Hey, I liked that song, but if you want to make it really catchy you've got to speed it up." Austin goes to stand in front of the piano.

You don't know, know, know. My name name, name. I'm gonna make, make. Make him do a double take-" He sings and he plays the harmonica. "Bravo!" I exclaim.

"Cool, there's still some old lady spit in here." He blows into it and spit flies everywhere and in Ally's face. "Ew. Goodbye. And in the future please obey signs." Ally says pushes the both of us out. "Okay, we're leaving." I say and she closes the door.

Austin plays a wail on the harmonica and Ally kicks the door. "Come on, looks like I'll have to show you another time." I say. "Aww, I was really looking forward to hearing you play." Austin whined and the two of us walk down stairs.

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