Chapter 2

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"You know what we haven't done in a while?" I asked Lexi as we sat eating breakfast the next morning.

"What's that?"

"Hit some softballs," I replied. "You want to go to the batting cages today?" I asked, finishing up my cereal and putting my bowl in the dishwasher. "I don't know about you, but I've been feeling this itch; like, I miss playing ball."

She shrugged and finished her own bowl. "Sure, I'd be up for it." I smiled. "So long as we don't get hurt in the process - it's been a while since we did that," she chuckled. 

I rolled my eyes. "We'll be fine. Unless you want to go to the park instead. We can pitch to each other; bring a bucket of balls and just shag them all when we're done," I suggested. "Or we can try and get Chris to come with and pitch to both of us."

"Call him up," she said. "Then we could each play the field while the other hits. We'll get our exercise in for the day, for sure. I'll see if I can get Matt to come, too," she agreed. "What made you think of doing this?" she asked. "I know you said you're not gonna worry about it, but maybe you're subconsciously worrying about this blind date next weekend."

I nodded. "Alright, I'll call Chris - you call Matt," I said, ignoring her question. She nodded, letting it go, and grabbed her phone, heading back to her bedroom. I did the same and called Chris.

"Morning, Sunshine," he answered after three rings. "What's up?"

"Hey!" I said cheerfully into the receiver. "What are you up to today?" I asked.

"Uh, just working out, I guess. I've got a guest coming to town, but other than that, nothing to speak of. Marina's out of town this weekend," he replied. "Why do you ask?"

I shrugged, fiddling with a napkin that was sitting on the counter. "I was just wondering if you'd be up to going to the park with Lexi and I. We want to hit some balls, and were wondering if you'd pitch to us," I said. "Lexi's calling Matt right now, too, to get him to come with us," I added, hoping it'd sweeten the deal before he even answered. He sighed. "Please?" I pleaded. "It's still exercise."

"Alright, fine, I'm in," he agreed. "As long as you don't mind my guest meeting us there - I feel bad sending him to my place when I'm not there," he added.

I nodded. "Yeah, that's fine. Thanks Chris!" I said. I then looked at the clock; it was only nine in the morning. "How about meet us there around ten-thirty?" I suggested.

"Sounds good, I'll bring my bucket of balls. See you soon," he said before hanging up. 

I then headed back to my bedroom, which was right across the hall from Lexi's. "Is Matt coming?" I asked, knocking on her door. I imagined she was getting dressed.

"Yeah, he's in! He's going to meet us there around eleven," she replied. "What time did you tell Chris?"

"I told him to meet us there around ten-thirty," I replied. "Do you want to go a little early, and just play catch?" I asked, heading into my own room to get dressed. I decided on black running shorts and purple sports bra. I grabbed a shirt, but didn't plan on wearing it - it was supposed to be really hot today. I braided my long hair back and grabbed my favorite Cubs hat before leaving my room and heading into the bathroom. Lexi was already there, brushing her teeth. She chose a similar outfit to mine, going with running shorts and a sports bra. "Did you hear me?" I chuckled.

"What did you say?" she asked as she scrubbed. I could just barely make out what she said as I grabbed my own toothbrush and toothpaste. 

"I said, do you want to go early and just play catch?" I asked again. 

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