"I remember being in the Tardis... the Doctor and I putting on the chameleon circuits... then I woke up here." Y/n looked at me finally and I knew she didn't remember. Surely she wouldn't hurt this much if she knew what happened in New York.

"See y/n doesn't remember your little...getaway." Y/n looked back at me confused but also hurt. Had he wiped her memory? "Tell her doctor, tell her what really blossomed in New York." He ripped the strip off my mouth.

"No." The master ran over and grabbed my chest strap.

"Tell her!"

"I said No," I stood my ground. But in my mind the memories started flooding back. The dancing, us admitting to one another the truth, the kiss. It was painful but knowing the master he had a plan to use it against her. I wouldn't put her life at stake again.

"You two! Ughhhh" the master flipped a table of books and more of his antiques. "You've got to stop lying to one another! This this is what you do Doctor huh! Every pretty little companion! Is y/n not different!" He smoothed y/ns hair, she reacted strange to him being close to her. "How Doctor? How have you not noticed she's different than the other ones! Little rose would agree." He laughed in my face.

"Don't you dare speak her name!" I yelled back and jack yelled beneath his restraint. I was beyond the point of furious, the master and I had a complicated relationship yes, but this was getting violent quick. We were at each other's throats.

Y/n walked over slowly to him and placed her hand on his arm. She whispered something in his ear and he instantly relaxed. My face of anger turned to confusion.

"Fine." He said and snapped his fingers for the cybermen to push jack away. He squabbled against the straps but was quickly gone. "Doctor we've known each other to long for you not to tell me the truth. Tell me one thing," he got close to my ear and whispered to me. "Since you met y/n in that lab and watched her, observed her, you haven't noticed how special she is. Surely you noticed her shine." The masters new passion for y/n was truly baffling.He raised his eyebrows at me and undid my restraints. My legs now numb from not standing. "You have an hour!" The doors shut.

Me and y/n stood feet apart. The tension filling the empty room. "Doctor...I"

"I've always known."

"What?" She said confused.

"When I laid eyes on you in that lab, I knew you were different. Something about you was fascinating, to me." She walked closer but still remaining closed off. I braced my arms on a table. "I thought how is she so brilliant! Hell you even outwitted me sometimes."

"Doctor, please,"

I took a deep breath, my two hearts beating fast. "Rose, Martha, Donna and Jack they became like a family to me. And every single one of them matters I need you to know that."

"I know that Doctor of course I do. I never wanted you to question or for you to think less of them in anyway." Finally we looked eye to eye, But I glanced up further and saw the very faded scar above her eye. I started to get angry again, it was a reminder.

"Ugh Y/n being a time lord I have always felt as tall as ah, a skyscraper!" I paced the room angrily.
"Sometimes it's like being the only person in a room. But when I met you, I felt as if someone else finally understood." She grabbed my arms and turned me around to face her.

"Doctor I need to," I cut her off embracing her.

"You, your more than brilliant! In New York I realized you were more to me than anyone, we were more." We sat and I tried to explain New York to her but all I could see was confusion and emptiness behind her eyes. To much time had passed I think for her to remember us.

Time Awakening - Y/N x 10th DoctorWhere stories live. Discover now