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Our heroes stand side by side, a pair of strong and confident fighters in a battle that threatens to take their lives, named the Krang. Our greatest heroes in New York saved our planet by preventing rational aliens from taking over.The heroes are known as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, aka Tmnt, as the short-term names were confusing. However, we have found them a perfect nickname for their heroines. I knew only little about them, and I didn't know if there was much information about their powers or what type of weapons they used, but it didn't matter because they were amazing. I heard they were mystic powers, but I never understood how they helped keep this city safe from attack. I needed to know if they contacted any humans, and I know just who to start with. April O'Neil is a college journalist. Her school was called EastLaird University, and she was also friends with Casey Jones Jr., who is from the future and the mother of Cassandra Jones. Are you wondering how I know all of this?... I am a fan! I have to know at least some of the usual things fans do with celebrities or famous people! Anyhow, my name is Y/n L/N, I live in Southside Brooklyn, and I work at an internet
café. It is one of those cafes where you pay $3 for WiFi and your computer is free after 5 hours or longer so that you don't go crazy and need more power. I work part-time at an online dating site called "XD" where they use a lot of romance I find some of their sites funny because they seem like real people, but their stories feel so fake but still funny nonetheless. Anyway, this isn't important right now! My point is that I saw the story of "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles," which was published on the website XDD, but my favorite chapter was when they saved New York from somebody named the Shedder! New York was saved by the superheroes! I don't know how they got all the information, but I believed it was true!
I decided to message Lisa to ask her if she could look up some more things for me regarding their powers and other stuff. I waited a few seconds for her reply, but I already received a text message. It said: "I am looking through my research right now. I will call you back!
She replied almost instantly and told me she was going to get more information. So I waited and waited until she finally called me. She explained that she looked for some new articles that talked about the TMNT powers. They weren't exactly normal, but they were very strong and good at fighting. Lisa told me that she would call back in five minutes, so I had five more minutes to wait. I put a smiley face on my keyboard and went back onto my social media, and then I watched some YouTube videos while waiting and texting Lisa. Suddenly I heard a crash from the window and something fell on my desk. I jumped up and turned around, and when I did, I saw a man standing by the window. He has messy brown hair and bright green eyes that seem to glow. His skin looks pale, and freckles are all over his face. He has a red cape and is wearing a leather vest, jeans, and boots. He seems very intimidating, and I couldn't believe someone broke into my house with no notice!
He walked forward toward me without saying anything and grabbed my arm hard, but gently enough not to hurt me.

"What's going on!?" I asked him in a panic. This is the first thing that came out of my mouth.

"It's ok," he said in a low and soothing voice that sent shivers down my spine. "It's alright."

He let me go, and he took a seat on my couch. I followed him and sat down next to him. I didn't move for another 30 seconds as he patiently waited for me to speak again.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Jason. I'm the guardian of a powerful item."

"Why-" Before I could continue my question, a grenade popped up and started rolling across the room toward the couch.

Jason grabbed me and threw me behind the couch, and he pulled me to a safer spot behind the kitchen counter before the explosion hit us.

"What was that?" I yelled at him. I stood up and looked at him with wide eyes.

"They're here...shit," he cursed under his breath. Suddenly the ground opened up a big hole, and water poured out like a waterfall. A huge shadow appeared above us, and a large creature dropped from its belly, a giant beast made of stone that resembled a dragon. Its body was covered in thick armor, and spikes grew all over its body. It landed in front of me, and I screamed at it. It roared and opened its mouth to devour me, but Jason held it back with his hand.

"Stay back!" He shouted at it. Then he reached for a scythe that was attached to his belt and slashed the dragon's throat. Blood splattered everywhere, and soon it was dead.

Jason placed the scythe on the ground and sighed loudly. He turned around and faced me.

"How old are you?" He asked me.

I shrugged my shoulders and answered, "I'll be 16 soon."

His eyes widened a bit, and he nodded.

"Look, I need you to run far away because they will hunt you."

I was confused. Who? Did he mean the monsters that were following us? What did they want from me?


He took a deep breath and looked at me. There were dark circles under his green eyes, and he looked even more exhausted

"Listen! We don't have much time!" He exclaimed

Jason put his index finger up to silence me and closed his eyes. He then spoke in a whisper. I strained my ears and tried to listen carefully. But all I could hear were growls from the creatures behind us and footsteps running closer and closer. I was afraid. I didn't want to be eaten by these monsters! Suddenly he puts something in my hand. Y/N opened her fist and saw that the object looked like a bracelet.

"Don't lose it!" He said sternly, then pushed me towards the door.Y/N quickly ran into the hallway. She didn't understand what was going on or why Jason wanted her to leave. Y/N looked down at the bracelet. It seemed like it had a lock, but it was too small for her to open. The noise from behind them was louder than ever, and they turned their head toward the sound. Y/N was trapped between two monsters. Their eyes burned red, and Y/N could see fangs and claws sticking out from their mouths. Both of them were wearing black leather suits with skulls hanging out of each of them, and there was some blood dripping down from their bodies. One of them lunged at Y/n, but she dodged it with ease. The monster was faster, but her agility was higher, and Y/n could dodge its attacks quicker than anyone else. Finally, she managed to make it stumble over, tripping and falling onto the floor. The bracelet started to glow brightly, and suddenly she felt a strange heat radiating from it.

One of the monsters was already charging at her again, but before they could attack, Y/n disappeared.

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