61. silver wolf agency

Start from the beginning

"Yes Ryo?"

"You're 11 o'clock is here, shall I send him up?"

"Yes please thank you."

I hear stomping in the hallways, I'm thinking who the hell is stomping through this halls. That's when the door slammed open.


"Katsuki? What are you doing here?"

"Why in the hell does that idiot ask so much damn questions?!"


"I texted you that I was coming over at 11!! But you didn't respond so I called then the idiot with the purple eyes kept asking so many questions!!"

"Oh sorry, I had my phone on silent. But sit down." We both sat down at my desk.

"So what are you doing here?"

"Well, remember when you asked me months ago what agency I'd go to after I graduate?"


"I'm joining this one!"

"Wow are you following me?" I laughed.

"NO! You just so happen to work here too."

"Well... this my agency now." And his eyes widened.

"Tch! Figured as much. I knew that wolf trusted you with anything."

"So you really wanna be with me and my agency?"


"Okay hahaha relax. I'm gonna start patrolling Area A soon, can you patrol Area B please?"

"Yeah, hopefully I can beat some villains today!" He smirked.

- time skip -

After the day ended, i wanted to do one last thing before I went home.

I bolted straight to Ells's house. I got to the front door, and hesitated to knock.

What if she's still blaming me for Yuzu's death?

I sighed and knocked.

I heard little footsteps quickly running over to the door and Haru opened up, but he looked worried.

"_______! Thank god your here!" He quickly drags me to the living room and I find Ells passed out with an empty bottle in her hand. But her body was wrapped in blades of grass.

"What happened?"

"I-I -I don't know! I was in the backyard and I heard her fall to the ground! I used my quirk on her and wrapped her to try and heal her but she's still not waking up!!" Haru cried as tears formed.

I quickly got on my knees and felt for her pulse and she had one. I immediately took out my healing water and covered her entire body.

"I-Is mom gonna die? Is she going to die like Yuzu?" Haru asked and my heart dropped.

"No she's not." I said firmly.

After about 5 minutes Ells starts to move. Haru gasps as he quickly unwraps her body. She sits up slowly and I took the bottle straight from her hand.

"Ugh, my head." She opened her eyes and sees me and Haru.

"______? Haru? W-What's going on?" She asked weakly.

"Ells....before you start asking questions you need to relax. Haru can you please go outside for a bit? I have to talk to your mom." I said and he nods and hugs me saying "thank you for saving my mom."


"Look Ells, I'm only going to say this once, as your friend. You need to stop drinking. Especially in front of Haru like that. Do you have any idea how scared he was for you?? You're lucky I came by because who knows what could've happened. For Haru's sake you need to stop drinking. I know it's easier said than done but it's for his safety! It's not healthy for him to be in a home environment like this! Do you understand me?!" I growled and she chuckled.

"My friend? Tch y-you're not my friend. You're a murderer."

I immediately slapped her across her face and grabbed her by her shoulders and shook her a bit.

"Ells! Get a hold of your self!! This isn't the Ells that I know! Look at your home!" I said and her home is a mess.

"Look at yourself!!" I said and her eyes filled with tears immediately and she starts crying and hugs me.

"I'm sorry!"


I had told Ells to shower and just relax while I cleaned up her home and Haru helped as well. He wanted to take care of his mom.

She comes to sit on the couch and takes a deep breath.

"Before I say anything I just wanted to say I'm sorry. For everything. For treating you so bad over Yuzu's death. It's all part of the hero gig anyways. You never know when your last mission is going to be.."

"I understand Ells. I'm sad she's gone too but, she loves each and everyone of us. She left plans for us."

"What do you mean?" She asked.

I took out the small box and handed it to her. She was confused but opened it and her eyes widened.

"She was going to propose to you. She wanted to marry you. So she left this for me to give to you cause she trusted me."

"Yuzu.." she starts tearing up as she puts the ring on and looks at it.

" *sniff* it's beautiful! *sniff*"

"And I wanted to let you know that you and Haru will be under the protection of the SWA 24/7 under my order. She left me her agency to take over."

"She did?"


"So she did have a plan for everyone then." She smiled weakly.


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