Chapter 1: The New Shy Kid

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Tobirama Pov
I was writing down every detail the teacher spoke in my notebook till we all heard the bell ring and the teacher looked like he wanted to quit his job, i packed my stuff and got out of the classroom to head to lunch. i sat down across my brother and he looked me dead in the eye, i gulped and suspected he was mad at me. i looked down at me feet and Hashirama smiled, "Hey dont worry i'm not mad i just wanna say my friend is enrolling and i wanted to share the news to you!" he said and smiled at me, i smiled back and took a big bite out of my sandwich. After all my classes i went home and slept like a baby, I woke up the next day and showered and brushed my teeth and hair. i got on the school bus and saw an unfamiliar person on the bus with me and the rest of the students, i got off trying to guess who he was. i went to class and started to write the unfinish text in my notebook, after writing ot all down the same person that was on the bus and sat next to me. I looked at him and he looked at me blankly, i smiled and waved at him but he just looked at me. i got mad and turned to the board sharply, i couldn't focus the whole lesson cause all i did was think about him. i mean he was pretty cute and i already knew i was gay for awhile now so my feelings for him didn't surprise me, after the lesson i bent over to grab my bag when suddenly the guy pushed me and i fell on my face as o hit the ground. i wanted to punch him but i didn't wanna cause him trouble on his first day, he left soon and after and felt blood dripping down my nose. i quickly packed my stuff and ran to 2nd period, i sat my my usual sitting area and noticed that the guy was there. i side glared him as i put my bag down and sat at my seat, he looked hurt and turned to the side. Now he made me feel bad..., the lesson started and as i was writing down the history of the leaf village the guy touched my hand and i blushed. "Can i borrow a pen..." he said in a quiet and muffled voice and tone, i gave him a red pen and he gave me a thankful smile. i continued to write and kept glancing at his cute face, after the class i ran to 3rd period like a bullet and sat at my seat and catched my breath. the guy was still sitting next to me, i was just trying to spell a hard word from the dictionary i had until he patted me in the head. i looked at him confused and he was smiling at me, i looked at him confused and his smile faded. he turned back to his paper and continued to write, i paused for a second and then went back to my own writing. after the bell rang i packed my stuff and went to the cafeteria, i sat down across hashirama and signed as i took out my lunch. "There's this weird kid in my class...i think hes an uchiha" I said while munching on my sandwich, "So my friends in your class?" He said and i chocked. "HES YOUR FRIEND!? UGH!" i screamed and all eyed were on me but they quickly faded, Hashirama let out a chuckle and assured me everything was ok and that madara was nice. i nodded and saw 'Madara' walking in the cafeteria, he sat right next to me and did a little wave at hashirama and hashirama replied with a smile. "Ill leave you guys to get to know each other" hashirama said with a smirk and left to go join mito, I sat there awkwardly and he pulled out a box of limes and used chopsticks and bite on the lime and his face went red and he looked like he was uncomfortable. i pulled the lime from his mouth and placed it on the box, i then took a napkin and wiped his lips. he looked suprised and then bit on the napkin, i tried to pull it out but he was bitting it as hard he can with his lips. i let go of the napkin and he looked so cute with it on his mouth, i manage to hide my smile by bitting on to my sandwich. he spat the napkin out and smiled at me, i patted his head and he gave me a nice smile that made me blush. "Can you help me with something...?" He said quietly and his smile turned in a embarrassed frown, i thought for a second then nodded with a smile. the bell rang and we both ran to class, we sat next to each other and i started to fittle with some chemicals. after the class we went to art and i saw him looking nervous, "What's up?" i asked and put my hand on his shoulder. " Im...not good at art..." he said as we sat down, "Dont worry you will do great" i said smiling. in the middle of painting i grabbed his hand and helped him stroke paint, he was shaking alot so i decided to help. after art i sat quietly at last period and after the bell rang me and Madara got in the bus and i looked threw the window quietly, we got to his house and we went in. we got changed and showered and sat at his bed, "So what do you need help with?" i asked. "Can you help me with...speaking?" He said and shyly looked down, "Sure!" I said and we both fell asleep after.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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