[Chapter 1] New Beginnings

Start from the beginning

Chris: "Cameron!"

Cameron: "Fresh air, a real lake, birds!" [Birds knock him off a railing]

Chris: "And Sam!"

Sam: [Playing on a Gameboi Advance PS] "Oh yeah! Grenade launcher upgrade! Heh heh, now we're cooking!" [Can faintly hear the sounds of demons exploding in the background while metal plays.]

Chris: "Yup, it's our roughest, toughest, most explosive season ever!"

[Chris then pulls out a detonator and presses the button, causing the entire boat to explode and send you all flying through the sky.]

Chris: "Right here on Total- Drama- Revenge Of The Island!"

[Cameron falls manhood first into a rock.]

Cameron: "Is this what pain tastes like..?" [He cries as he slides into the water while Anne angrily swims past him.]

Anne: "Chris is so gettin a beat down for this!"

[You and Zoey are holding onto driftwood as Jo pushes you into the water. You pop back up spitting water out.]

Zoey: "And who do you think you are!?"

Jo: "The person who's gonna win this competition."

[Cameron is still flailing around in the water as Scott just passes him, he then goes under as you quickly dive under water, you hoist him onto your shoulders and walk out with him.]

Cameron: "Thanks man! I thought I was a goner!"

(Y/N): "Don't sweat it!" [You say as you put him safely on the ground, you look over to see Dawn meditating on a rock, completely dry.]

(Y/N): "Dawn, how did you-?"

[She looks over to you.]

Dawn: "Hmm? Oh! I used a shortcut."

[B straight up walks out of the water as you're contemplating on if you're hallucinating or not. B notices your look and just smerks.]

*Mini Timeskip*

[You're sitting on a rock dreamily looking at Dawn while she meditates as Mike walks up to you, noticing your gaze.]

Mike: "Got your eyes on someone too?"

[You're snapped out of your look as you look to Mike, embarrassed.]

(Y/N): N-no..."

[Mike looks to Dawn still meditating and then back to you, a sly look on his face.]

Mike: "It's Dawn, isn't it?"

[You blush and look away, but nod.]

Mike: "Well, go talk to her man!" [He then leans in and whispers into your ear.] "How do you think Zoey and I got it off?"

(Y/N): "I-I don't know what to say! I-I don't want to ruin things.."

Mike: "Well, it doesn't hurt to try!" [He says as he wraps his arm around you.]

[You nervously walk up to her, regretting your decision almost instantly. Dawn stops meditating and looks at you curiously as you're basically a nervous wreck.]

Dawn: "Are you sure you're okay? There's no need to be so nervous."

(Y/N): "N-no, I'm fine." [You stutter out as she now looks at you like a detective analyzing a crime.]

[She then scoots over a little on the rock and pats the space next to her, you notice the gesture and sit down next to her awkwardly.]

(Y/N): "S-so, about this whole- aura thing, what does it mean?"

TDROTI Dawn X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now