Chapter 2

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I was going to continue this chapter with Anathema running into Rex problems and meeting Junior, but decided to cut her portion out of this chapter in favor for the next one, since this is almost five thousand words.

Three of E and the Indoraptor's brood are in this chapter.

Seraphim is dubbed Nephilim.

Skunk is dubbed Gemini.

Legion will be called Lazarus by Henry.

This chapter focuses upon Henry's softening and redemption as a character (because Dominion decided to give his ass a redemption arc that he arguably didn't deserve and the change came out of nowhere).

It also focuses upon what a monster and animal is (in the perspective of various characters).

Warning: This chapter has blood, violence and character death.


Henry Wu looked upon the beast he could not see-yet knew was there.

That was the terrifying thing.

That genetics, no matter how well manipulated, could never truly be controlled.

The Indominus Rex taught him that much.

And now, looking through the reinforced glass into a seemingly empty exhibit deep within the bowels of Biosyn's laboratory, he was seeing genetics amaze him again.

The lush and thick foliage of the woodland exhibit displayed an animal in plane sight.

Right in front of him.

For a long time, Henry sat upon a worn, leather chair.

For a long time, Henry sat with his elbows upon his knees, hands raised and fingers interlocked together, bony joints pressing against the flesh of his chin. His hair fanned down upon his shoulders in straight locks. His eyes bore through the glass in an intensity that would unnerve most.

It was the look of defiance.

But within that defiance, jaw wooden, posture stiff the ridged-Henry's gaze fell downcast.

His features softened, and gave way to dark shadows that haunted his gaunt face.

For a long time, Henry sat in silence.

When he spoke, his voice was soft and gentle, like the trickle of a small stream slithering through the valleys of time, "...I always thought of myself as an artist. Using genetics to sculpt, and create life. But I only focused upon the practicality of genetics. There was no 'maybes', and no 'ifs'. There was only certainty. There was only control. I thought I was in control. But I wasn't. I never was. I only has the illusion of control."

Henry fell quiet, eyes still gazing into the lush foliage dimmed by artificial night, "For a long time, I considered the Indominus Rex my masterpiece. I sculpted the most glorious hybrid even nature failed to create. The Indominus was not my masterpiece. She was my failure. I saw manipulating genes as the ultimate control. I could control everything about the animal even before it was viable. But genetics are a certainty. They are just another assumption-a hint-of what could be."

The doctor's gaze briefly cast downwards towards his knees in silent thought.

It was not long before they ascended.

It was faint, at first.

The trembling of foliage.

No-Not the trembling of leaves.

Merciful Teeth (Giganotosaurus x Female Indominus Rex)Where stories live. Discover now