Chapter Two

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Walking inside our home I gave a large sigh of happiness to be home. I sat on the couch with Alex quick to join me, by jumping up beside me and cuddling into my side. We still needed to unpack and get ready for school the next day, but for now, Alex and I were all set to relax. Mom and dad walked in and began to gaze into each other's eyes romantically. Dad was trying to convince mom that we did not need to travel anymore. They went upstairs while I looked down at a blond head of hair. Alex had fallen onto my lap and was fast asleep.

I carefully moved him and got up, I grabbed the blanket off the back of the couch and draped it over him. Kissing his forehead, I went over to our suitcases and took them to our rooms. The first floor of the house was the family section, all our bedrooms were on the first floor, along with the kitchen, dining, and family room. The second floor held my parent's offices and the library along with their collection of artifacts. There was also a separate section on the second floor reserved only for guests. That's where uncle John lived most of the time.

I unpacked Alex's suitcase and folded all his clothes, hanging up the few things that needed to be hung. And went to my room to unpack my things. When I finished I went back out to the family room to see Alex was up and messing around with the artifacts mom and dad had collected on this trip.

"What are you doing?" he spun around to see me leaning against the wall laughing at him. He shrugged at me as if to say nothing, all the while trying to give me his most innocent expression ever. "well don't break anything okay, I'm going to grab some fruit from the kitchen would you like anything?"

"Yes please, an apple and water" Alex smiled at me glad I wasn't telling him off. I told him before that just because I'm six years older than him, it doesn't mean I'm going to boss him around and treat him like I'm his parent. Alex had just had his 12th birthday and, was getting ready to enter the eighth grade, whereas I was just about to graduate high school and enter college. I still didn't know where I wanted to go, my advisor thinks that with my grades I could get into any school I wanted to, but I don't want to leave Alex and my parents.

I grabbed a plum and an apple from the fruit bowl and two bottles of water from the fridge. Walking back out to Alex I handed him the apple and water before plopping back down onto the couch. He sat next to me and we cuddled into each other before I pulled the blanket over us. We were just talking about going back to school the next day and what homework we had when a strange man walked into the room. I stood up and walked in front of Alex to protect him.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" I asked him as politely as I could manage under the circumstances, I did not know him, we were not expecting company and I was alone with Alex. I could take care of myself, dad had put me and Alex through self-defense training since we turned four but I didn't want Alex to fight.

"I'm here for the chest, of course, give it to me and you won't be harmed," he said, I grabbed the sword out of the display next to me, and Alex grabbed the chest that mom and dad brought home and stood behind me.

"Get out of my Home," I said in the most commanding voice I could manage while being terrified. Ten more men entered behind him, they were all wearing the same red robes as the first man.

"Probably not the best idea" whispered Alex.

"Alex get behind me" I shoved him and the chest behind me trying to recall all the knowledge about martial arts and sword fighting that I could.

"Now I will kill you and take the chest anyway," he said, he was smiling as if the idea of killing us pleased him greatly.

"I think not" Ardeth Bay walked in from behind me and my brother, the strange men all reacted the same, they gasped and took out their swords.

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