Already Got Your Heart ❤️‍🔥🔞

Start from the beginning

Addiction is a word I never once thought I'd ever associate with myself.

In retrospect, I should have. Addiction doesn't only relate to a drug, a substance of some kind.

I've been known to have an addiction to reading. Various books in a wide variety of genres and languages. I do have an addiction to dilaudid, of which I was getting help for. Hell, one could say I craved the attention of any woman who would so much as look my way.

My addictions have landed me here --- in Mount Pleasant Women's Correctional Facility.

"Spencie... you came back."

For the life of me I can't fathom why I'm here.

"I missed you."

I can't get you out of my head. No matter how hard I try-- none of them are you.

"I-- I need you."

Why the fuck did I say that?

"Mmmm, explains why we're in the room where... conjugal visits usually take place," Cat purred as she carefully sized me up. She held a certain glint in her eyes, one I hate to recognize within myself whenever I'm around her.

It's as if my body was already familiar with hers, my hands reaching up for her neck, flashes of my one moment of weakness fill my brain, making me hiss into her mouth.

"You should have killed me when you had the chance, Spencie."

"Fuck, you're a good kisser," Cat pants out, her breathing ragged against my lips. I felt her nails dig deeper into the flesh of my skin, slowly dragging them along the back of my neck.

What the fuck am I doing?

"I didn't want any of this."

"You don't get to talk!" I hear myself yelling as I shove Cat towards the cot. My lips find their way back to hers, her teeth nipping at my lower lip in a futile attempt at retaliation.

"I want to play a game with. You like games?"

"Gu--guard.." Cat whimpered the second she felt my hand gripping her throat, her eyes blown as I leaned forward, my nose touching hers softly, almost delicately-- given why we're here in the first place.

Why the fuck am I here?

"Don't pretend you don't want this, Cat," I moaned against her cheek, using my hands to maneuver her out of her jumpsuit. "I can see it in your eyes." Once I had her unclothed down to her bra and underwear, I pressed my hand back against her windpipe, still careful to keep her alive--- even if I had no idea why.

Cat eyed me in her silence, her voice becoming thready as I held my trepidation inside, needing to show her just how fucked up I am--- all because of her. I let up slightly, admiring the marks left along her throat as she coughed for air inside the brick hole we were in.

"There's the Doctor Reid I want..." she gasped, struggling to maintain any composure as she attempted to sit up on the cot. "You know, Spencie...." her voice dripped thickly with seduction and I was but a moth drawn to the flame lit behind her eyes. "I always did wonder when you were going to use... sex against me."

"...But it should be mine. I wish it were mine. Because you and I... we deserve each other. That's the real secret."

"Shut the fuck up!" My hands were back coiled around her neck, my thumbs pressing increasingly against the throbbing pulse underneath them. Cat tries to cry out, the look in her eyes now showcasing an emotion I've only ever seen once since the night I met her.

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