Part 2

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Harry's POV

I am working in the bakery for almost 13 years now and I still love this place. I have been thinking about going to college and get a real job but I just don't want to quit here.

I was busy helping customers as usual when this girl came into the shop she was beautiful she had dirty blonde hair. She was kind of short which made me really curious about her age for some reason.

She walked over not even looking at me "hi can I get a chocolate muffin please" I nodded turning around to get her muffin , I saw in the corner of my eyes she was staring at me. I turned around , she was in a daze she didn't even blink. I waved my hand in front of her face "take a picture it'll last longer " I said giving her my cheeky smile ."thanks" is all she said taking the muffin from me and sat at a table near a window. The whole time she was sitting there she stared out of the window looking at people walking by.

I saw her stand up. I was busy helping another customer but I glanced at her. I couldn't focus very well till an old man cleared his voice which made me turn my attention back at him. "My change?" He said clearly annoyed. I looked down and noticed the money I have in my hands. I felt my face get hot so I handed him the money so he could leave.

My eyes searched for the girl I was secretly staringat a few minutes ago but to my dissapointement wasn't anywhere to be seen.

After work I was exhausted I went straight to my house and plopped down on the couch.

I ate at the bakery so I'm not that hungry. I decided to call it a day. I walked up the stairs my feet where very tired from standing the whole day .When I came into my room I fell on my bed not bothering to even change clothes.

am I dreaming??Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt