She swallows nervously.

"My essay is about Anne Boonchuy." A couple whispers float through the crowd, quickly silenced by the teacher's deadly glare. "She was a friend of min-" She's caught off by a snobby voice.

The student has dirty blond hair with hard gray eyes.


Ugh, she's mean.

Cassie glares at Marcy as she begins, "So like, is she really a hero, or did she just make the newspaper for being friends with a dork." Riley sneers, wrinkling up her nose as if 'dork' was a smell.

Marcy winces.

The class laughs.

"I never knew it was that bad to befriend a wonk!" someone yells, causing the class to erupt with laughter.

After the laughter dies down the teacher speaks up. "Continue, Marcy." there's a edge to their voice. It was meant for the class, but it didn't help the poor girl's anxiety, at all.

There's a small pause before she continues. "Anne saved many lives, and she changed more. Anne was also credited for fighting the tyrant Andrias in the events of Frogvasion, after that, she disappeared, no one... no one knows what happened to her." she hesitates,

That's a lie.

She knows exactly what happened to her.

To Anne.

"In the events of Frogvasion." Someone echoes

"Wasn't that fake?" Another askes.

"That Anne Boonchuy?"

Murmurs ripple through the crowd.

"Marcy," The teacher speaks up, silencing the audience. "Is this even real?"

Is this even real?

The question echoes through the girl's head.

Is this even real?

Is it?

"Of course." Marcy states, as if it's obvious, because to her, it is.


The class bursts into giggles.

Will Cassie ever shut up?


Marcy sprints, all the way home.

She has to get out of there. She has to get home.


Marcy closes the door to her bedroom behind her, she drops her bag to the side and slides to the floor, shaking.

Why did she pick Anne?

Because it was her fault she was dead.

It was her fault she was gone.


It's all her fault.

No one else you could blame.


Marcy buries her face in her hand with a heavy sigh.

There's video evidence of Frogvasion, so why? Why did no one believe her?

Her head snaps up.

Of course! That makes so much more sense now, the FBI!

Sure, FBI agents were helping fight the frobots, but there gotta be some blocking the new broadcast from getting farther than LA right? So nobody outside of California, at most, got access to it. So almost nobody knows about it!

Unknown Hero (A Amphibia AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora