The Life of One Benjamin Ripley

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(Hello, I know it's been a while since I've written anything. Before you think I'm revitalizing this story, I will only be testing out a completely new writing style. Like, this is realllllly new. Anyways, enjoy these few paragraphs I'm writing at 11:35 pm!)

Yes this is OOC, do I really care? No, I've been reading too much hiccstrid lately and it's been bleeding into my writing. Sorry not sorry.

(Required Context: Ben and Erica are dating currently)

No one's POV:

The sun's morning rays were streaming through his window, lighting up his entire room. It was boiling inside his room, the fan on full-blast trying to keep him cool. Ben tossed and turned, trying to avoid the sunlight that was presently illuminating his room.

But, everyone knows that once your awake and you're uncomfortable, there is NO way to go back to sleep, no matter how hard you try. Ben knew this too, but he was too tired to realize his efforts to go back to sleep were in vain.

Downstairs was a completely different atmosphere. Erica was down at the shooting range, blasting away targets with a new gun, the C7A2. It was a full-auto Canadian gun (so it was really good), and she was having a blast with it. (Ahahhahah get it? I'm so funny)

She had woken up just a few hours prior, at a nice 0400 military time, to get dressed, work-out, take a shower, and now shoot some stuff. As she finished the current magazine she was working with, she decided to pay a certain someone a visit before going to class.

Erica's POV:

I wonder what that sleepy head's been up to. It's already 930, he should be awake by now. Well, even if he isn't I'll make him wake up. (evilly smirks)

She put the C7A2 back where she found it, tossed the empty magazines into the designated boxes, and headed off. Jogging through the hallways towards his room, she passed a couple of classmates. Of course, they wouldn't greet her warmly, she was still known as Ice Queen Erica, and no one wanted to mess with that. Finally, she reached her destination and after lockpicking the door (all CIA-issued rooms had locks on them, as well as some places where the students could add on extra security measures. They were usually put in place to prevent the average student from peering into a bright pink room with a unicorn stuffy on the bed. (I think I completely stole that from either Jayden, Quidditch, Marsh, or Taco, sorry not sorry! But I am sorry if I stole this from someone else and didn't mention them. Anywaysssss, where was I.) She burst into the door, surprising the hell out of Ben, who was still trying to sleep.

"Helloooo whoever just broke into my room" he grumbled, slightly mad from being finally woken up. He was having such a nice dream about cuddling with Erica and while that may never happen, it's always good to dream, right? "What is your business with me and if you're trying to kill me can we reschedule."

Holding back a laugh, Erica deepened her voice and said, "I am here to assassinate you, speak your final words."

"Oh hi Erica!" He bolted up from his bed, smoothing down his hair and shirt. (Yes he slept with a shirt on, I'm no longer THAT perverted) (ok maybe that was a lie) "How are you today?"

"It's been an uneventful morning," she said, plopping down on his bed. "Well, pleasantries were never one of my strong suits, so I'm just going to cut to the chase, and ask if you wanted a hug."

"Well, I would prefer a kiss over a hug," he said cheekily, "but I'll take whatever I can get."

She punched him in the shoulder in what she would call "lightly" but to him, it hurt quite a bit. But, she obliged with his statement and pulled him in for a nice short make-out session. By the time they were done, they had amassed quite the audience outside. Turns out, most people tend to be awake by 930 and leaving the door wide open while in the middle of a makeout session isn't the wisest thing to do. Erica usually would never make mistakes like these, but when someone tempts you with their sweet lips, you can't resist. Also, those soft brown eyes would almost make her melt into them, succumbing to his gaze an-. No. She would not be like that, she was Ice Queen Erica, not Stupid Fangirl Erica. Quickly slamming the door shut (after sticking a certain finger at the people outside), she turned around slowly to meet his gaze again. "Well," she said, "now that we're alone again... my next class is at 1100 and I know your's is too. Got any clever ideas, smart boy?" (God I've been away from this fandom for so long I forgot Ben's pet names)

"As a matter of fact, I do," he said, pulling her by her waist into bed with him. They then commenced with a long and passionate makeout session, afterward laying to rest, holding each other. She snuggled her face in his chest, letting him smell the sweet cinnamon in her hair.

This was quite the way to start a morning and he sincerely hoped it would happen more often.

(Well, what did you think? But, I'm pretty sure this will definitely be the last thing I'll post, so I wish you all a great life, as I retire (somewhat) from the Spy School community)

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