The Villain Attack: Explanation to becoming a hero

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Jiro: Hey Himiko Toga, Uhm, do you mind us sitting here?

Toga: Uhm, sure take a seat. And you can call me Toga.

Momo: Thank you Toga.

Toga: No problem. I'm just gonna leave.

Momo: No don't go we want to sit with you.

Toga: Uhm, thanks.

Jiro: Don't sweat it. Hey what made you want to be a hero all of a sudden?

Toga: ...

Momo: you don't have to tell us if you don't want to.

Toga: I do but I'm scared you won't believe me.

Jiro: We will don't worry.

Momo: It does depend on what you tell us.

Toga: Okay, so... I throw my knife at Senei Aizawa and I missed but it made him bleed a little then a little girl came out of nowhere, and I think that was sensei's kid, she looked scared and began to cry.

Momo: What did she look like?

Toga: Blue hair, red eyes, red dress, oh and a small horn on the side of her forehead.

Jiro: What was Eri doing there? Weren't you watching Eri Yaomomo?

Momo: Yeah but I turned around for one second a she just disappeared, that's why you saw me looking around I was looking for her.

Jiro: Oh, you can continue

Toga: Oh, I completely forgot I was telling the story. Anyways Sensei tried to protect her from me but I just froze there thinking what if I had stabbed to the where he would have died and it would have been my fault. My fault!

Jiro: Hey at least you helped patch him up. But the question is how did you save his life?

Toga: He got stuck in a fire in the woods that Dabi started so I just dragged him out and asked Kurogiri to teleport us to the dorms and I left him on the couch to rest.

Jiro: That's why he was sleeping on the couch when we got back.

Momo: So that's how you saved his life.

Jiro: How did the LOV feel when you told them that you wanted to be a hero?

Toga: Shigaraki thought it was some sort of plan to gain information. I told him that I really wanted to be a hero.

Momo: It's good you stood up for yourself.

Toga: Thank you, I hope we can be friends.

Jiro: If you were able to tell us this, aren't we friends already.

Momo: I agree with Jiro.

Toga: Thank you. I promise I wont betray your trust.

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