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Michirou and Tanjiro leave the house and the man was leading them

" Hold my hand..... Michirou" Tanjiro said

" Okay....." Michirou said as she hold his hand

Tanjiro used to do this when they have a mission or going out since he knows Michirou will get lost or he might leaving her behind

They following the man that was leading them to go in the hot spring

" The hot spring was up hill there....." The man said

" I'll be down here to prepare your meals...." The man said

" Okay!" Tanjiro said as he smiled

" Thank you......" Michirou said

They start to walk to go in the hot spring and suddenly stop as they heard someone was yelling thier name

" Oh it's Michirou and Tanjiro!!" Mitsuri said as she was running to them

" Tanjiro!!!... Michirou!!!" Mitsuri yelled

Tanjiro and Michirou look at Mitsuri who's yelling thier names

" Whoa!!! Be careful your boobs are about to spill out!" Tanjiro yelled as he cover it

But Mitsuri ignore him as Michirou look at her

" Listen!! Listen!!" Mitsuri yelled as she was like throwing a tantrums

" Careful!" Tanjiro said

" He ignore me!! I said hello!! But he ignore me!!" Mitsuri yelled while grabbing Tanjiro's haori

" Michirou!!! It's rude!! Right!?" Mitsuri said as she look at Michirou

" Yeah....." Michirou said while looking at her

" Who did?" Tanjiro asked

" I don't know!! I asked his name but he ignore me!!" Mitsuri yelled

" Isn't that mean!? I'm a hashira!" Mitsuri added while her hands was raised

Michirou just sigh and ignore the noises

" The calm I got from soaking is completely shattered!" Mitsuri yelled

" Well....the supper will be ready soon...I heard it will be rice with matsutake mushrooms..." Tanjiro said while smiling

" Whoa!! Really!!" Mitsuri said as she stand up

" Yeah..." Tanjiro said

" Then let's eat together!!" Mitsuri said as she look at Tanjiro and Michirou

" Sure..." Michirou said as she smiled

" Michirou is really cute!" Mitsuri said as she giggled

" You're pretty...." Michirou said as she look at her

" You said that to me before!" Mitsuri said while smiling

Mitsuri suddenly leave as she running while saying something

' she's a big eater....' Tanjiro thought

Michirou and Tanjiro continue to walk just to reach the hot spring

" Whoa! It's huge!" Tanjiro said as he look at the hot spring

" Amazing...." Michirou said while smiling

" Yeah...." Tanjiro said as he look at her while smiling

Tanjiro suddenly stop as his head suddenly hit by the small front tooth

𝙵𝚁𝙾𝙼 𝙳𝙸𝙵𝙵𝙸𝚁𝙴𝙽𝚃 𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙻𝙳|| 𝙳𝙴𝙼𝙾𝙽 𝚂𝙻𝙰𝚈𝙴𝚁 ||Where stories live. Discover now