The meeting

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Around 3 am in the morning you could see a boy with little horns and a tail walking around. He has on a hoodie that goes past his knees and hands. He walks into an alley to see a box of kittens, he uses his body to shield them form the cold rain pouring down, meanwhile with our favorite pro hero

Aizawa's pov: My shift ended 5 minutes ago but here I am following somebody with an overly large hoodie They look the size of a child, they have black hair I think, and I can't see their eyes, but they stop and turn into a nearby alley. I drop down as quietly as to not startle them but I was surprised to see toxic green eyes staring back at me. I shifted on my feet uncomfortably under their gaze. They don't seem like a threat as they turned away from me to a small box under them. I approach them slowly to see that they were protecting a box of kittens form the rain after a few minutes of silence I decide to speak to them

Aizawa: Hey, I'm the pro hero Eraserhead what's your name
I say as softly as I can

???: My name is I-I-Izuku M-M-Midoriya sir

Aizawa:  How old are you and what are you doing all alone at 3 am in the morning

Izuku: Well I'm 6 years old and momma and her new boyfriend threw me out after saying they can't stand a devil child like me.

to say I was far more than pissed is an understated who throws their child out the house at six years old and what is he talking about "devil child". I pick the child up while telling him we are going to the police  station and that I will come back for the kittens later. The walk to the police station was quiet we arive at the station I set the kid down and then I take a really good look at him. He has fluffy green and  black hair that goes past his shoulders in a low ponytail, big green eyes, freckles that litter across his face, he has little black horns I'm guessing that wrap around his head, elf like ears, and a little black tail with a spade at the end. He has little markings under his eyes, they look like triangle. I ask to see the head detective; detective Naomasa Tsukauchi.

Naomasa: Why hello there erasure what pleasure do I owe for your visit

Aizawa: Well I am here to get a file for this kid
I push the kid forward just a little bit so he could see the kid Naomasa looks shocked that I have a kid with me at the moment. I just sigh through my nose while he looks for the kid based off appearance

Aizawa: The kid said his name was izuku midoriya and that his mom and her new boyfriend kicked him out after saying "they couldn't stand looking at a devil child" that's all the problem child told me when I asked what he was doing.
The detective leaned down to talk to the kid

Naomasa: Hey there bud do you mind telling me the full story of what happened and why you were out so late

Izuku: Well it all stared when momma and daddy took me to the doctor a few years ago when I was four years old, we were at the doctors office and they said that I will be getting my quirk soon but they couldn't tell me what it was exactly and momma got mad and started to hit me when daddy was gone. One day when daddy came home early he seen her and they got a d-d-divorce and daddy left momma and told me that he would come back for me later. At school my head,and back hurt and that's when I got theses
He points to his horns, the middle of his back and tail

Izuku: I came home to tell momma the good news so she wouldn't have to hit me anymore, but i was wrong she was screaming and throwing things at me saying that I look like that f-f-faggot that I call my father and ever since she's hit me till I was 6 and today her new boyfriend came over and gave her the idea to kick me out since I didn't look like her and how she couldn't stand the sight of me anymore.
He said that with a straight face

Aizawa: so what's up with the overly large hoodie it doesn't even fit you?

Izuku: Oh this is my daddies jacket he gave it to me before he left.
We asked the kid to go sit out side

Aizawa: so what are going to do with him now that has no home

Naomasa: Well we would technically have to put him in foster care for now and leave it at that, but that'll have to wait since we don't know if he has a good night sleep.
After we were done discussing what to do with the kid we hear a bunch of noise coming from outside the door, we go to investigate and see the other people from the station taking pictures of the kid. He is curled in to ball in the chair. I decided to go home for the day and sleep curled up in my husband's arms. I need some coffee.

Time skip to later in the day

Aizawas pov:
I came to see the kid and he looked like he was doing pretty good. He looks up to see me and nods his head at me. I find it kinda weird that the kid is really quiet like last night I didn't hear him when he left the room and how he heard me when I jumped down from that building. I walk up to the kid and kneel in front of him

Aizawa: look here kid your gonna be sent to an orphanage and your get a new family okay
I was fully prepared to tell the kid what all of this information ment but he nodded his head in understandment. He got down from the chair after struggling for a little bit but he did it. I drove him to the orphanage that was close by. We walking in, I got him registered in the system the head of orphanage looked at him like he was going to be a burden but I don't think she knew that I was looking at her that was the first red flag.

Lady haruki: Hello there buddy we are going to have much fun you can call me momma if you want or lady haru either one is fine. Thank you for bringing him here he gonna fit right in with the other little stinkers.
She smiled a plastic smile. I left with a uneasy feeling of that orphanage. Just like I promised the problem child I took the box of kitten home with me.

This is the end of the chapter I forgot to mention this but I don't really have an update schedule since school is about to start🥲 but other then that I hope you all have a good day/night and if you ever want someone to talk to I'm always here and if you have any idea you can tell me 😁

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