Snow Ball

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It had been a good night for Nancy. She did her dancing and watched the rest of the people dance. She sat down, smiling as she looked around as she caressed the drink in her hands, it was a coke that was provided for free on the table. Her smile faded however when she saw Dustin standing alone, after being rejected. She frowned as she downed her drink in one shot before she walked over to him. The boy was crying silently and discreetly. "Hey," she said casually, startling the younger boy who wiped his tears.
"Hey," he responded, wiping his tears as best he could without seeming too upset.
Seeming to not notice Nancy putting her hand out, she asked, "Want to dance?"
Shocked, the boy asked to confirm if it was true by saying one word. "What?" He was in disbelief as he thought back to when the door was slammed on his face before Will went missing.
"Come on, let's dance," Nancy said, holding his hand and dragged the eager boy to the dance floor. As she helped Dustin learn to dance, she ignored the stares that the 2 of them got as she was smiling. She did notice one pair though, a pair of ocean blue eyes on a freckly face. Said girl had a suit on and was just sitting down in a corner, clearly regretting being there. Nancy was currently with Dustin however so she couldn't do anything just yet. She was smiling as she pulled the boy closer, who had his arms around Nancy's hips gently, and her hands on his shoulders. As she guided him along the music, he started to get the hang of it and was smiling happily. Stacy, the girl who rejected him, just watched in shock, causing Nancy to comment about it.
"You know... out of all my brother's friends... you're my favourite," she said smiling as she looked at him in the eyes, showing she was sincere with him, as it was definitely true. She didn't like most of her brother's friends, Dustin had always treated her nicely though, even when she was rude. He had a grin spreading all over his face like he just learnt some good news that would change the world. "You've always been my favourite," she added on.
Dustin, nervous to ask, was eager but had a question. "Really?" he asked. She nodded and did a signature smile.
With a nod, she said, "yes." As she looked over at Stacy, she noticed she was still watching, disgust and shock still on her face. "You know... girls this age are dumb. Give it a few years, and they'll regret not having you," Nancy said. "You're going to drive all the ladies nuts," she added on to help boost his ego which was very much needed.
"You think so?" he asked, wanting the reassurance as he kept dancing with Nancy.
"Oh I know so," Nancy added on, a bigger smile coming out. As the song came to a stop, Dustin smiled as he pulled away.
"You probably have someone to dance with so I'll leave you be now, but thank you," Dustin said, showing Nancy his appreciation.
"Oh it's no problem," Nancy said and patted his shoulder, soon finding another person to dance with.

Meanwhile, she went to the freckled girl and recognised her. Barb had told her about Robin, how they had been best friends and showed photos of her. The girl hadn't changed much. "Robin, right?" Nancy asked her. Robin jumped, looking up, a bashful look in her eyes.
"Ummm... yeah. Yeah, I'm Robin. How did you know? Wait, shit, I'm dumb. You were Barbara's friend, Nancy right?" she asked and tilted her head as Nancy chuckled and was nodding.
"Yep, I am Nancy. Just wondering why you aren't dancing with anyone?" She asked, looking the girl up and down who was still wearing her suit.
"Oh... it's because I didn't get asked. I never do and it's probably weird because I'm a girl in a suit which is weird because a guy doesn't want to dance with a girl in a suit, but I hate dresses because of their feel and tightness. Hell I have one but it's stashed in the bathroom because my mom didn't want me to wear a suit to the dance," the girl rambled, as Nancy couldn't help but giggle and look at her. "It's fine, don't worry. I get it. Do you want to dance with me then?" she asked looking at the other girl. The taller girl was shocked as she was stiffening up and was shocked, just blinked.
"Yes.. sure. Why not?" she asked and was then realising something. "Wait... you know the rumours about me being gay right? Of course, you do, you are a news reporter and would report on it. Shit, I'm sorry. That was probably rude, I won't ask again I swear. I mean, I'm also wearing a suit so..." she said rambling, as Nancy rolled her eyes but she was smiling, showing it wasn't negative.
"Robin. You don't have to ramble. If you want to, we could do it in a hallway where we can still hear the music? And of course, I've heard the rumours but I don't believe them until I hear from the actual source. Anyway, I don't really care," Nancy said and shrugged as she looked at the taller girl. Stunned, Robin nodded and then stood up.
"I would prefer the hallway if you don't mind?" Robin asked as Nancy nodded and did a thumbs up.

As Nancy led them to a hallway, she was making sure no one saw for her comfort before she was in the perfect hallway. The music was still clear, and the hallway was quite dark. "Is this ok?" Nancy asked Robin smiling.
Robin was nodding. "Yeah, yeah. It's fine," she said and smiled shyly. "You are aware I am actually lesbian though?" she added on as she was wanting Nancy to know. Nancy nodded and smiled.
"I don't mind, I still want to dance with you. Everyone deserves a dance right?" she asked as Robin beamed. She then held her arms around Nancy's shoulders as Nancy wrapped her own arms around Robin's waist as they danced to the music. They smiled and talked as they were dancing, talking about the band to newspapers to relationships and everything they could talk to. She learnt many things about Robin, like how she had a poor family, how she was destined to only ride her bike, how she loved band so much, how she was learning to speak multiple languages and also how Robin was so clumsy that she managed to run into a wall in front of her crush when she was just walking down the hallway. Nancy giggled as she danced. "You really are a klutz huh? You dance well though," Nancy joked with a smile.
As if on cue, Robin stumbled and held onto Nancy, as she shifted her body to take the blow from the floor. "Damn, thought my coordination was good," Robin joked, trying to ignore the blushing girl on top of her as she was looking up at the ceiling. It did receive a giggle though.
"You're fine. But are you ok?" She asked concerned and looked at her.
"Yeah, are you though?" Robin asked and tilted her head like a dog.
"I'm fine, you took most of the force," she stated, still smiling with a laugh bubbling up her throat. Robin was nodding as she was blushing.

Now Nancy wasn't dumb and knew what the girl was thinking. She also was blushing and was looking around before she pecked Robin's cheek testing the waters before she stood up, then reached a hand out. A stuttering, red Robin took it before she was continuing the dance. They smiled as they talked more before Nancy thought. "When did you realise you liked girls?" Nancy casually asked. She knew she liked girls already, and was just seeing how Robin would react.
"Uhhh, I fell for girls and kept looking at them, like how other women would look at boys, and that's when it hit me. My butterflies would have stomachs... I mean my stomach would have butterflies, and my heart would pound so hard I thought everyone could hear it," Robin said. Nancy grinned.
"I keep thinking I'm hearing a heartbeat," Nancy stated, seeing how Robin would react.
"I'm... I'm sorry. I know it's probably wrong because you are the perfect girl. You probably won't even like gir-" she tried to apologise but was cut off.
"Who said I didn't like girls?" Nancy asked. Robin stared, dumbfounded as she looked at Nancy to see if she was sincere.
"You do?" Robin asked. Nancy smiled as she was nodding.
"I wonder if you'd wanna hang out sometime soon?" Nancy offered.
"As a date?"
"Yes, it can be a date," Nancy said as she looked over.
"I could kiss you..." Robin said aloud, not meaning to.
"Then kiss me," Nancy said. That's when it hit Robin she said it aloud, becoming a stuttering mess before she was interrupted by soft lips that tasted of vanilla. Vanilla chapstick. Robin eased into the kiss as she smiled, holding onto her waist and closed her eyes. They kissed like that for a bit, until they heard footsteps. They quickly pulled away and leaned against the wall, acting casual. It was a false alarm however as they weren't coming to the hallway they were at, and didn't even look over. "Spend the night? Just to talk, get to know each other more and plan the date," she offered. "Also private dancing, cuddling and kissing," she added on with a grin. Eagerly Robin nodded and looked at her.
"I'm down," she said. The rest of the night, Nancy was just speaking with Robin as they were getting along quite well and danced every now and then. Sure, there were a few stumbles and trips, but it was still fun at least. That was all it was about.

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