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Miya the cinnamon roll now! He's so fucking adorable I swear-

1. He had to deal with getting bullied in school

2. He likes to listen to music when he skates(mostly mitski, lemon demon, Cavetown, etc)

3. His favorite colors are purple and lime green

4. He is figuring out his sexuality and currently labels himself as Pansexual and mostly used he/him pronouns but sometimes uses He/they

5. Cherry and Joe got him a little cat plushie he named Buttons

6. Miya hates his bio parents and loves Cherry and Joe

7. He calls Cherry Mama and Joe Papa/Dada because he looks to them as parents but also because they adopted him!

8. Role play games

9. He can talk to cats

10. He is good at math and likes reading a bit

11. Cherry is his favorite parent but don't tell Joe (/hj he loves them both equally but has a closer bond with Cherry)

12. He likes trying to help Cherry with calligraphy

13. Whenever he gets the chance to he steal Carla from Cherry and works on some new skating tricks and learns more about skating as well as watches everyone else preform with Carla's video feature

14. He has a collection of squishmellows

15. He likes to cook dinner once a night every week and will often cook some basic things like box Mac and cheese, some basic pasta, Dino chicken nuggets, and also desserts

16. He helps with chores because he feels guilty that Cherry and Joe do a lot for him

17. He constantly feels guilty when things are done for him so often times after he gets given things he will sit in his room alone with Cherry

18. He tries to overwork himself when he is sick like Cherry but both Cherry and Joe catch him most of the time and bring him back to bed

19. He looks up to Reki a lot but won't ever admit to it

20. He likes childish band-aids and colorful ones for when he hurts himself on his skateboard he thinks it makes it less sad(yes it does)

21. He has high anxiety similar to Cherry and one of his major triggers is yelling/fights, as well as things breaking

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