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"Stupid townsfolk," the scientist muttered underneath her breath. "They wouldn't know love even if it hit them."

"If that's the case... why can't we 'just get rid of' the Mayor?" Anne suggested casually as if she was just discussing the whether.

Marcy stiffened and turned back. "When did she have the time to think like that!?"

"No Anne, we cannot just 'get rid of him' because that wouldn't be right. We'd be just as bad as he is."

"But wouldn't it be easier?"

"Well, um, technically yes. But that's not the mindset to have!"

The two trotted all the way over towards Marcy's treehouse.

"Welcome back to my humble home!" Marcy exclaimed before scratching the back of her head sheepishly. "Or, I guess our home now. Mind the gap."

Once inside, the two took their seats on some wooden chairs.

"What's the whole thing that the mayor was talking about? What is love?" Anne asked curiously.

Marcy gulped. W—well it's kinda hard to explain unless you experience it.

To give it some a visual perspective— Imagine, If tomorrow everyone in the village died. How would you feel?" she prompted dramatically, waving her hands wildly.

"I don't know," Anne told with a blank stare. "Because I don't care about any of them."

Marcy scratched her chin. "Okay, very blunt I see... But the appropriate answer."

"There are different types of love, Anne," she explained gently. "Family, Friendship and Romantic, to name a few."

"Which one.... feels the nicest?"

"Oh... I guess from my observation, I would say romantic love. It's shared between two close individuals."

"When did you have the time to observe that?" Anne asked, making Marcy's face flush.

"U—um.... on my spare time?" she replied, stammering. "Don't ask any questions about it."

"Okay," Anne shrugged. "So you need two people?"

"Yeah! A partner."

Marcy started mumbling to herself. "I don't think that I have enough parts to make another buddy for you... so I guess we'll just try out the village."

Anne grew even more intrigued. "Do you think anyone in the village would ever be interested in me?"

At once Marcy's eyes gleamed and she cupped her own cheeks. "Oh would they! You're a real treasure, my beloved. Anyone would be lucky in going out with you! I'd even be jealous if that happened. You're really—"

She quickly stopped herself once she realized that she was rambling too much. Anne blinked at her curiously.

"L—let's just get back to the task at hand," Marcy stuttered, glancing away.

"Do you have any preferences?"

Anne tiled her head. "What does that mean?"

"You wanna go out with a boy or a girl?" Marcy said precisely.

Her friend looked puzzled. "Does it matter? Isn't love.... just love?"

"Good point," Marcy mumbled." I guess any gender is fine for you."

Suddenly, a knock on the door interrupted them. A curious Marcy slid down and opened the door.

"Hey wait a minute... I know you. You're that kid, umm.... Branch?"

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