"How far are we?" I asked.

"About twenty minutes." My mom responded.

I returned my glance to the scenery outside my window. The closer we got the more excited I became.

Eventually I could see our street. I grew impatient in my seat as we drove down it. The house slowly came into view and I was beyond excited. My mom parked the car and I could see that everyone was outside still greeting one another.

"Belly-Belly butterfly!" I called as Belly and I had a greeting that we always did. It might sound cringy but we've done it since we were little. She turns around with the biggest smile and runs to greet me.

"Y/n birdie in the sky!" She responded. "Oh my god! I've missed you so much!" Belly squeals as she hugs me.

"I missed you, girl!" I say before we pull apart to look at each other. "Shut up. You have boobs!"

"So do you!" She said back. "And your hair!"

"I did this last week, do you like it?" I asked her.

"Like? I love it! You look hot!" She said as we hugged again.

"Me? Girl, have you looked in a mirror? You're glowing!" I said.

"Y/n!" Laurel greets now at our side. "It's so good to see you! Look how you've grown."

"Hey, Laurel." I said as we hugged. Laurel moved on to greet my mom.

"Okay, my turn." Jeremiah said going in for a hug. Jere picked me up and spun me mid hug.

"Hey, Jere-bear!" I squealed. "How have you been?"

"Great, now that everyone's here." He smiled. "Josh, my man." Jeremiah greeted my brother.

"Hey, Y/n." I heard as Steven joined us as well.

"Hey, Stevie boy." I greeted as I gave him a hug. Nicknames were kind of my thing. Who do you think Belly got hers from?

"Y/n! Oh my, how you've grown! Come here." I heard Susannah from behind our little reunion cluster.

"Susannah!" I left the group to embrace the woman. Our hug was tight and warm. Susannah was like another mom to me. Laurel was too, but Susannah was so different than anyone else I knew. She was a free spirit.

"Oh, I am so happy to see you. You are just gorgeous, you know that? You've grown so much." Susannah gushed. I laughed. "No, y/n, I'm serious. I mean, you've always been gorgeous but you've really grown into such a beautiful young lady. You and Belly both. Which, I want to talk to you both about something but we can do that later."

"Okay." I smiled. Compliments were weird for me. I've never really gotten them much until this past year if I'm being honest.

"Okay, I'm gonna go see your mom. We'll talk later." Susannah smiled placing her hand on my cheek before leaving to find my mom. I look around and take in the environment. All year I wait for this moment. The moment I get to come home.

As I look around I lock eyes with someone across from me.

*•*I Think He Knows - Taylor Swift*•*

I Think He Knows - Conrad Fisher X~ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now