Oh my goodness😨they goin ham😱

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Sammy pov:

I don't...understand. I feel tears forming in my eyes and my lip starts to shake, I quickly wipe my eyes and try to keep myself together.
"You don't mean that Yaz, we'll always be friends no matter what." I say while reaching to try to put my hand on her shoulder.
Before I can rest my hands she stands up and without turning around she says, "I'm sorry that I have to be the one to tell you this, I'm just being Realistic Sammy." Before I can respond she walks away over to help Darius lift a large beam.
Suddenly all the tears I was holding in pour out, how could she just say that so casually. Thankfully I don't have time to think about this right now as E750 is on the loose. Once we're on the boat on the way home I'll make sure Yaz knows I meant every word. I'm not gonna give up on us.

Suddenly a loud roar gets my attention, Bumpy is wrangling around like the cattle back home. Ben is trying to calm her down but she just knocks him over and bolts for the tree line. Darius locks the gate and we all wait for the inevitable, for that thing. My heart is racing so fast I swear I can hear it clear as day even through the heavy down pour.
The sky erupts with lighting highlighting the dark creature at the edge of the woods, its here.

A sudden electrical buzz catches my attention, the fence. Its glowing. The small sparks light up and are bright as the sun compared to the dark stormy night.
Whatever E750 is it's enamored, staring at the fence slowly approaching. Why is it getting closer? Go away, go away.
It finally gets the courage and leaps into the fence, the shock is so powerful I can feel our treehouse shake. Brooklyn is knocked out from a table she was hiding behind, she scrambles back into her spot but its to late. The Scorpius is well aware of us not, it repeatedly slams into the fence knocking us all around before disappearing? We get up and look in the tree line, no sign of it. Maybe it wasn't that interested and gave up?
Darius screams and leaps backwards into Kenji knocking them both to the ground.
Brooklyns concern is was correct, the scorpius can climb.

Timeskip into after E750 ran away cuz idk how to write action scenes😢😢
Sammy's pov:

Ugh my head is pounding. I pull myself up and limp over to the others, they're trying to figure out why the Scorpius ran away.
"Holy Shit Gutierrez, are you ok?" Ben asks with a distressed look on his face. Now that I think about it my side is really sore, I pull my hand up from my waist and blood is dripping from my palm. What the....? I stumble and Yaz attempts to keep me upright.
"Its fine im o—"
Nevermind I am most definitely not ok, my vision blurs and I feel my legs giving out. Oh shit.

Yaz pov:

"Sammy! SAMMY!" Crap. She's out cold, how could I let this happen. First I let that separation stuff Ben was preaching get to me and now this, please, please be ok Sammy. You have to be ok. All my bottled up emotions and pouring out, I'm pathetically sobbing into Sammy's hand. Yeah Yaz, I'm sure being a weak crybaby is gonna help her. Wait I swear I just heard Brooklyn say antidote? I wipe my eyes and turn to her, "Where is this antidote?" She looks solemn. "I knew I shouldn't have mentioned it, you'll never make get to it. Just forget I said anything." I grab her shoulders and make a unusual amount of eye contact. "That's not what I asked. Where is it?" I say a lot more impatiently, she just sighs and hands me a map. Jesus that's far. But who cares, I certainly don't. I'm getting this antidote. Brooklyn grabs my wrist and stops me in my tracks, "There is no way we can talk you out of this?" I don't say anything but she takes the hint, "Fine but keep this in mind, I saw something on the video that was in Wu's lab. They threw a vial of the antidote and E750 got distracted. If that thing catches up to you do what you need to."
I nod and sprint away, it won't come to that. It won't catch me.

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