Meanwhile, Octavius was standing up and trying to calm Ira down, although the baby kept on crying “Noli flere paruulum, tutus es” he whispered in Latin, he started stroking Ira's round and pink cheek softly, the crying started to lessen.

“Jedediah, is the milk ready yet?” the brunette asked, looking back on the cowboy “ The water's almost done Octy”

The kettle made a ding sound, the water was done.

Jedediah poured the right amount of hot water on to the baby bottle, he placed the lid on the bottle and shook it, trying to mix the powder with the water.

Jedediah made his way to Octavius “Here you go” he handed the bottle to Octavius.

The other male sat down and placed Ira across his lap facing him, Octavius gently placed the teat of the bottle to the young baby's mouth in a horizontal position, Ira started to suck on the teat of the bottle.

“He's actually eating” Jedediah said in amusement, Octavius hummed in response.

Ira was drinking his milk whilst Octavius and Jedediah sat there peacefully watching as the baby drank.

“I think he likes me more than you” Octavius said, both of the young men chuckled “Yeah, who wouldn't like you” Jed said, in an attempt to flirt. Octavius gently placed a kiss on the blonde's nose.

After a few minutes, Ira made a grumble, and pushed away the bottle, implying that he was now full, Octavius gently took away the bottle and gave it to Jedediah to place it on the table besides them “Aren't we supposed to burp him now?” Octavius asked, Jedediah nodded causally.

Octavius placed Ira on his chest carefully and started to gently pat his back, trying to make him burp “ Am i doing this right?”

“Yeah, that's how ma does it”

Octavius kept patting the baby's back as gently as he can, trying to earn a burp. A few more pats and then.

Burp, Ira finally burped.

“ You did it Octi” Jed smiled happily and extended his arms, implying for Octavius to give him his little brother back. Octavius chuckled lightly as he handed baby Ira to his big brother.

Jedediah cooed at the little baby whilst cradling him “You look so cute Ira, i can just eat you up!” the blonde couldn't help but twirl a bit in delight of his baby brother “You look so happy Querida, but please try and be careful, he had just finished eating” Octavius warned him.

Jed only nodded and kept cooing the little boy “I know yer gonna grow up and be as strong ang handsome as i am!”

Octavius couldn't control his chuckle “Yes, and he'll have lots of adorers and people trying to claim him” Octavius slid his arms around Jedediah's waist and hugged both him and Ira.

“Octy!” Jed said as a chuckle escaped his lips, Octavius kissed the blonde's cheeks and led a trail down to his neck, Jedediah buried his head onto Octavius’ neck and sighed. They could stay peacefully like this for a while.


It's been an hour, 8:15 P. M currently, the other Smith family members will be home in just an hour, Octavius looked at Jedediah who had Ira in his arms, wrapped around a secure but comfortable hug against his chest.

The Italian took more time to observe the brothers.

Jedediah had blonde and shaggy long hair that reached down to the ape of his neck, Ira had short and curly red hair that was still growing.

Jed had tan skin, maybe from all the afternoon activities he's been going to with his friends, while Ira had glowing skin–pretty normal for a baby who was just born a couple of months ago.

Both of them had pinkish cheeks, blue eyes, and the same nose– if only Jedediah's nose wasn't broken that is.

“Enjoyin’ the view?” the blonde teased, Octavius was taken back, surprised that Jedediah woke up when just earlier he looked so peaceful holding Ira, letting them have a quiet slumber.

“Of course, i wanted to look at my lover more” Octavius replied, looking quiet fond of himself.

Jed chuckled as he placed a soft kiss on the brunette's nose, Octavius returned the favor by kissing Jed at the forehead, whispering sweet nothings in the other's ear.

“Tavi” Jedediah whispered lowly, “Te amo, volo tecum omni tempore. Spero fore ut hanc familiam habebimus olim satis maturus ”

After a few minutes of flirting and sweet whisperings later, Ira had grumbled wich made Jed and Octavius’ attention turn to the baby.

“What's wrong bambino?” Jed chuckled as Ira struggled to get out of his older Brother's reach.

“Maybe he wants to play” Octavius suggested, Jedediah nodded and went to the little play area they've put up months before Ira was born.

“Here y‘go bud” he placed Ira sitting in an upright position on the blue carpeted floor. Octavius took a stuffed animal of a sheep and handed it to Ira.

The baby giggled and hugged the sheep tightly, seeming like he's never letting go of his woolen companion “How'd you know he likes that sheep?”

“You have mentioned a lot of times already that Ira likes his little sheep named Ruby”

Jedediah couldn't help but form a sweet smile on his lips.

Ira babbles something that catches both the young men's attention “What's wrong Chubbs?”

Ira tries to say something but it comes off as blubbering, Octavius and Jedediah were being built up with anticipation, trying to guess what the baby was trying to do.

After a few more moments, it was a miracle.

“J- Jed!” Ira exclaims as his tiny arms were thrown upwards, both the young men were surprised and shocked. Jedediah especially.

“Did he just... Say your name love?” Octavius mumbled, a smile forming on his lips as he felt so proud of Ira. He looked at Jed and saw the young texan with eyes starting to tear up.

Jed stood up and threw his hands in the air just like what Ira did earlier, he exclaimed “His first word was Jed!” Octavius knew that he was so proud of Ira, even if the blonde didn't say anything.

Octavius chuckles in amusement before turning back to Ira “Can you say my name?” he jokes light heartedly, another dew moments before..

“Tavi” Ira just blurted out. Octavius’ eyes widened in disbelief before Ira said it again “Tavi!” the baby chuckles as he said it with a bright a adorable smile.

Octavius stands up and hugs Jedediah who's also bewildered by this “He said both our names Tavi!”

Ira just sits there watching them hug one another lovingly, his sheep Ruby still in his arms, hugging the woolen creature.

Jed's parents won't be able to believe this later.

Hello! Author here, thank you for reading this, it means a lot to me actually!! ^^

But since it's currently 11:53 P.M in my country right now, I'll wish you all a good night/afternoon/or day!

Word count:1802

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